Saturday, 30 January 2016


What about her? The teacher asked as he pointed his cane at me, Aarti shook her head as she responded  'she is not among them'. I heaved a sigh of relief. I felt my palms again, they were hot and moist as a result of the fear and tension I felt. In fact I almost peed in my panties at the thought of being flogged with the others but thank God, Aarti just saved me by telling a lie.
That incident will forever remain indelible as on that day I learnt a lesson about friendship, love and forgiveness.
Aarti was my Indian friend and classmate who also doubled as the female class prefect.
It was a normal school day. I was in JSS 1 and recess had just ended. The teacher whose time it was to teach was unavailable and being the children we were, we chose to play. After all such opportunity didn't come everyday. Abi I dey lie, didn't you jump for joy on those days when you were told class would not be holding?
We chatted, laughed, joked and just went about disturbing when Aarti asked us to keep shut else she would write a list of noisemakers but we ignored today? Abegi!
She went on to pen our names and proceeded to submit the list at the Staff room. Shuo, see oyinbo wan form madam for us o. Oya na make we see wetin go happen.
We were all called to the Staff room but the teacher whom she handed our names to let us off with a warning. See eye blow for madam oyinbo! We all ran back to our classes in excitement because we didn't get flogged as anticipated. In our euphoria, we started taunting Aarti, daring her to do her worse but she kept her cool. No o, you must do your worst today, na only name you fit write?
You should have seen me then, 9 years old and as small as small can be. I spoke up with my tiny voice 'so you think you can come to control us in our country like the colonial masters abi'? Wetin come bring colonial masters come this mata now? My group members capitalised on that without thinking and continued taunting her, they pulled at her hair as they reminded her that she wasn't superior to us and before long she was red in the face.
At this point she looked up and our eyes met, I felt really bad but quickly looked away as in my young mind I felt it was patriotic of me to stick with my 'fellow Nigerians' over my Indian friend. Choi, would you blame me? I didn't want to be like our great-great-great grand fathers that sold their brothers into slavery like I was told in Social Studies class.
Anyway, I watched as my friend was tortured and it was at that point that the teacher who had earlier warned us walked in. Yawa don gas! We all scampered to our seats but he had caught some culprits and pulled them out. Thank God I was too small to be noticed. He beckoned on Aarti to point out the other members of our freedom fighting group and she moved from seat to seat picking other culprits. That was when I started shivering in fear and my palms got sweaty...don't blame me o, I feared the 'cane' more than anything else which is partly why I was a well behaved child.
After Aarti had picked the offenders, the teacher pointed at me and asked 'What about her'? He apparently knew what I was capable of doing..Oh my God, I am done for I thought. Who send me? Aarti looked at me and our eyes locked. I pleaded with my eyes, hoping she wouldn't turn me in. Aarti shook her head in the negative and that was how I was spared. Choi! Aarti but you didn't tell me you were an angel na. I could have allowed her walk all over me at that point.
I watched as the others got flogged seriously and their cries of plea rang through the classroom. 'Aarti, you are indeed an angel...God bless you' so it could have been me crying.
When the teacher left, I walked up to Aarti's seat and thanked her for not turning me in. She reminded me that she loved me as a friend and wouldn't hurt me intentionally. If she had asked for my head at that point, I probably could have let her have it...ok maybe not my head, maybe my lunch for the rest of the term. I swore to never hurt her again and I tried to keep that promise.
It's been 17 years since that incident happened but I have never forgotten about it because on that day my beautiful 11 year old Indian friend 'Aarti Birdi'  taught me a lesson about friendship...a friend is always loyal and sticks with you no matter what.


We all get there. We all have days when we have felt that life can be more than it is for us. Things are not so bad but you want more, you know you can be and do more. You want a change but don't seem to know how to go about bringing about that change. I have been there and in fact very recently I felt that way again. I wanted more, wanted to do more but the question that loomed in my head was 'How'? I thought to call someone, anyone I could share my thoughts with, one whose judgement and advice I could trust. So I picked up my phone and scrolled through my contacts but couldn't think of anyone to call, besides even if I knew a few people I could talk to, I thought it better not to bother them, who knew what battles and challenges they may be facing?
Then I muttered a silent prayer. Shortly after, my phone beeped &  it was a message on WhatsApp from my Mentor and friend, he sent a picture message that read 'a strong positive mental attitude will create more miracles than any wonder drug', wow what coincidence!
I responded and told him how grateful I was and that his message was timely. Before long he sent three more inspiring picture messages and then I knew it was no coincidence, it was God letting me know I wasn't alone.
My mind was still filled with thoughts and I proceeded to talk to him. I thanked him again, reminding him how timely his message was and told him how I felt. He assured me that such feeling of discontent Oftentimes leads us to take bold risks that bring about positive change. He called me up, reminding me that I was a Champion, 'his champ' and by the time the call ended, I felt encouraged and knew just what to do.
I kept telling myself I'm God's Champion and God never leaves his champs alone neither does he fail them. From Joseph, to Moses, Joshua, Ruth, Deborah, Hannah, Samuel, David, Esther, Elijah, Elisha, Gideon, Paul and all other men God chose, he never failed them.
In the book of 1st Peter 5:7 we are told to cast ALL our cares on him BECAUSE HE CARES FOR US. As reassuring as that is, it is also a reminder that God knows that we will have cares and worries as humans but we ought to know that we are never alone for as Hebrews 13:5b says 'I will never leave you nor forsake you'. It is a blessed assurance that the monarch of the universe sits with us in silent strength and gently holds us till we can't help but recognize that even now, he is here with us.
So if you are in that place when it seems it can't get worse and you can't seem to find someone to talk to, remember you are God's Champion. God cares for his champs and never leaves them alone.

Thursday, 28 January 2016


I am no expert on issues of the heart or how best to handle relationships but I do know that everyone deserves a chance to love and be loved. I am penning this note to a friend (and anyone hurting right now). I know you will read this here so I am saying ‘Darling You Will Heal’.
I read your message from our chats and also listened to you pour your heart out, sobbing gently and asking what the problem is with you and as I told you before I will tell you now…there is nothing wr
ong with you and everything will be alright.
You see my dear I understand how you feel right now and I can’t tell you not to cry but I will plead with you to not let the hurt overwhelm you. You asked me if your standards are too high, no dear they are neither too high nor are they unrealistic. You only need to wait and your ‘good’ man will find you. Trust me he is somewhere praying to meet you, hoping to pour his all into you so do not let the one that could not love you keep you from the one who will.
You have cried enough dear, it’s time to dust yourself up and keep love’s flame alive in your heart again. Go see a movie, get your hair done, wear some make up and just live again. It would be sad if your good man finds you hurt and broken, not because he would leave you heck he would love you in whatever form you are but that would be making him pay for a crime he did not commit.
So my darling, I understand that you are hurting but enough of over analyzing and thinking about what you said or did wrong or if you should have fought some more or dropped your standards. Leave the past behind and move on.

I said before that I am no expert on the issues of the heart but Love my dear is not stressful or draining, it enriches and uplifts. You would not need constant reassuring from a person that loves you because their actions will show and even though he wouldn’t be perfect he will show you in every way that he wants you and no one else. He will accept you just the way you are.
Finally I need you to keep these in mind: never become desperate else you will settle for less. Never chase a man no matter what, if he would not chase you let him be. If you like him do not chase him away but don’t chase after him either. Pursue your dreams, get more education, read books, invest in yourself, stay beautiful and just live because love will come and when it does, you will be thankful that you did not settle for less. Don’t give up on God, He heals broken hearts and has the best plans for you. Most importantly, remember you do not NEED a man to complete you…You are complete just as you are.

Wednesday, 27 January 2016

Living Purposefully.

What is my purpose for living? That's a question too many people do not ask themselves. 
I recently saw the movie 'Exodus-Gods and Kings' a movie that tells the story of two close brothers who became sworn enemies. It's the story of Ramses and Moses-the greatest Prophet in the Bible. 
Moses was a man born primarily to save his people. He was raised as a Prince and later became a Shepherd but his purpose for living was different. His purpose was to save his people. This tells us that a person's career or profession doesn't equate their calling or destiny. A man's destiny is God's purpose for his life.
Moses faced with uncertainty had to leave with his family to confront Pharaoh because the call to fulfill his destiny was greater than the comfort of living in safety with his immediate family. God could have done it without Moses but it was Moses' destiny to lead the Isrealites as such he had to go confront Pharaoh. This tells us that we have a role to play in fulfilling our purpose, you must first plant before God waters.
As the year begins ask yourself 'What is my purpose for living'? Spend time in prayer and in studying God's word which is able to build any and everything (Acts 20:32). Press on and conquer your doubts & fears (Phillipians 3:12-14). Moses was 40 years old when he got called to fulfill his purpose so its never too late to be all you were created to be.

Celine Dion...Her Heart Will Go On and On!

The world has mourned with Celine Dion who lost her husband of 21 years René Angélil after his long battle with Throat Cancer.
Upon reading the news I had a feeling of ambivalence. I was torn between sadness for the pain she would feel upon losing her spouse and joy for the time they had. It's sad that he has passed but I'm inspired by their story. 
I know nothing about their personal lives and only rely on the stories from magazines, news papers and blogs but in an era and clime where marriages barely last 5years it is encouraging that they were married for 21 solid years. 
René who was about 23 years older than Celine knew her before she was a teenager, he believed in her and became her manager before she was 13. He reportedly mortgaged his first home to fund her first recording and the success of her career sure speaks volumes of his managerial ability. 
Rene had been married twice before he married Celine but she admitted that he was her first and only true love.
Celine is quoted to have once said 'I'm not surprised we married each other because we have the same dreams, same goals and respect each other'. When he was diagnosed with cancer she took 2 years break off her career to take care of him because for the first time she would be the one doing something for him as he had always been the one sacrificing for her. I am sure that as with most marriages and relationships theirs may have been fraught with challenges but as Michelle Amand said 'Love is not a matter of counting the years, but making the years count'...and hopefully for the solid love she shared with Rene, Celine Dion's heart will go on and on!


I recently downloaded Don Moen's song 'Trust in the Lord'. I just had the song playing in my head and decided to download it. I had it on repeat for hours, it was God speaking to my heart...about Trust.
Proverbs 3:5-6 says 'Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding. In all your ways acknowledge him and he shall direct your path'. 
As humans we are always torn between making decisions about family, career, relationships, finance, business, health, food, travel destinations, even the route to take to work and this is what separates us from animals. Our power to chose.
It is therefore paramount that we seek wisdom to not make the wrong decisions as the course of our lives may be affected negatively. Our only guarantee for making decisions that we will not regret is to seek direction from one who has had experience with whatever we are dealing with and who better than the God who knows all things.
A challenge we face though is that because we have the power to chose we oftentimes let fear and the opinion of others affect our decision making. If you have surrendered your heart to God, then you must surrender your will and desires to him. We should learn to trust God even when it's tempting to just go with human wisdom because acting with human wisdom would be tantamount to acting in fear. 
God wants us to trust him unwaveringly, against popular opinion and in spite of our feelings and needs. 
Thank God for the gift of the Holy Spirit who brings all things to our remembrance and constantly instructs, inspires, directs and comforts us. 
Even when you are unsure know that the Holy Spirit has been promised to teach us all things and is always with us as God's gift (John 14:16-27). And when you don't understand his plan, trust that he wants the best for you and has the power to give you the best...just trust him and watch him wow you.


I had to make a critical decision at the start of the year 2016. As a Christian, I have had my fair share of rising and falling in faith and constantly asking for forgiveness so at the end of the year 2015 I decided to commit fully to God -again-. For me it was not about making a new year resolution, it was just about living fully for God and holding nothing back because I realised that he has been the only constant factor in my life. I decided to just let him lead as he was still the one I ran to when all else failed, so when I had to make this critical decision, I had to not just trust him but also let him know I can be trusted. It was hard to decide but when you trust someone you believe and do whatever they tell you knowing that they will never mislead you.
In John 2:5, Mary spoke to Christ's disciples saying 'do whatever he tells you'. This was at the Wedding in Cana when the wine provided by the couple had run out and a solution was needed. Christ instructed his disciples to draw water from the pots where water meant for hand washing was kept and directed them to hand it to the Master of the ceremony to taste. The disciples could have fretted at the thought of drawing water from the pot in which water for washing was kept and handing it to the Master of the ceremony but they did not. They simply obeyed. This resulted in Jesus' first miracle...TURNING WATER TO WINE. The Master of the ceremony attested to the fact that it was better than the wine previously served.
This goes to show that sometimes God's instructions to us may not be in conformity with our plans and desires but we ought to remember that he wants only the best for us. Having heard the word we ought to act on it in faith and obey wholeheartedly. Obedience with complaints indicates halfheartedness and will result in us losing our blessings. Also when we obey in spite of our fears, we conquer those fears and our faith is strengthened. All that we desire is hidden in the word of God. You need no plan B with God, just trust that God wants you to succeed far more than you desire to succeed. It's still early in the year and I am steady in my resolve to trust and obey.