Wednesday, 27 January 2016


I recently downloaded Don Moen's song 'Trust in the Lord'. I just had the song playing in my head and decided to download it. I had it on repeat for hours, it was God speaking to my heart...about Trust.
Proverbs 3:5-6 says 'Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding. In all your ways acknowledge him and he shall direct your path'. 
As humans we are always torn between making decisions about family, career, relationships, finance, business, health, food, travel destinations, even the route to take to work and this is what separates us from animals. Our power to chose.
It is therefore paramount that we seek wisdom to not make the wrong decisions as the course of our lives may be affected negatively. Our only guarantee for making decisions that we will not regret is to seek direction from one who has had experience with whatever we are dealing with and who better than the God who knows all things.
A challenge we face though is that because we have the power to chose we oftentimes let fear and the opinion of others affect our decision making. If you have surrendered your heart to God, then you must surrender your will and desires to him. We should learn to trust God even when it's tempting to just go with human wisdom because acting with human wisdom would be tantamount to acting in fear. 
God wants us to trust him unwaveringly, against popular opinion and in spite of our feelings and needs. 
Thank God for the gift of the Holy Spirit who brings all things to our remembrance and constantly instructs, inspires, directs and comforts us. 
Even when you are unsure know that the Holy Spirit has been promised to teach us all things and is always with us as God's gift (John 14:16-27). And when you don't understand his plan, trust that he wants the best for you and has the power to give you the best...just trust him and watch him wow you.

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