Wednesday, 27 January 2016

Living Purposefully.

What is my purpose for living? That's a question too many people do not ask themselves. 
I recently saw the movie 'Exodus-Gods and Kings' a movie that tells the story of two close brothers who became sworn enemies. It's the story of Ramses and Moses-the greatest Prophet in the Bible. 
Moses was a man born primarily to save his people. He was raised as a Prince and later became a Shepherd but his purpose for living was different. His purpose was to save his people. This tells us that a person's career or profession doesn't equate their calling or destiny. A man's destiny is God's purpose for his life.
Moses faced with uncertainty had to leave with his family to confront Pharaoh because the call to fulfill his destiny was greater than the comfort of living in safety with his immediate family. God could have done it without Moses but it was Moses' destiny to lead the Isrealites as such he had to go confront Pharaoh. This tells us that we have a role to play in fulfilling our purpose, you must first plant before God waters.
As the year begins ask yourself 'What is my purpose for living'? Spend time in prayer and in studying God's word which is able to build any and everything (Acts 20:32). Press on and conquer your doubts & fears (Phillipians 3:12-14). Moses was 40 years old when he got called to fulfill his purpose so its never too late to be all you were created to be.

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