Wednesday, 27 January 2016

Celine Dion...Her Heart Will Go On and On!

The world has mourned with Celine Dion who lost her husband of 21 years René Angélil after his long battle with Throat Cancer.
Upon reading the news I had a feeling of ambivalence. I was torn between sadness for the pain she would feel upon losing her spouse and joy for the time they had. It's sad that he has passed but I'm inspired by their story. 
I know nothing about their personal lives and only rely on the stories from magazines, news papers and blogs but in an era and clime where marriages barely last 5years it is encouraging that they were married for 21 solid years. 
René who was about 23 years older than Celine knew her before she was a teenager, he believed in her and became her manager before she was 13. He reportedly mortgaged his first home to fund her first recording and the success of her career sure speaks volumes of his managerial ability. 
Rene had been married twice before he married Celine but she admitted that he was her first and only true love.
Celine is quoted to have once said 'I'm not surprised we married each other because we have the same dreams, same goals and respect each other'. When he was diagnosed with cancer she took 2 years break off her career to take care of him because for the first time she would be the one doing something for him as he had always been the one sacrificing for her. I am sure that as with most marriages and relationships theirs may have been fraught with challenges but as Michelle Amand said 'Love is not a matter of counting the years, but making the years count'...and hopefully for the solid love she shared with Rene, Celine Dion's heart will go on and on!

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