Thursday, 28 January 2016
I am no expert on issues of the heart or how best to handle relationships but I do know that everyone deserves a chance to love and be loved. I am penning this note to a friend (and anyone hurting right now). I know you will read this here so I am saying ‘Darling You Will Heal’.
I read your message from our chats and also listened to you pour your heart out, sobbing gently and asking what the problem is with you and as I told you before I will tell you now…there is nothing wrong with you and everything will be alright.
You see my dear I understand how you feel right now and I can’t tell you not to cry but I will plead with you to not let the hurt overwhelm you. You asked me if your standards are too high, no dear they are neither too high nor are they unrealistic. You only need to wait and your ‘good’ man will find you. Trust me he is somewhere praying to meet you, hoping to pour his all into you so do not let the one that could not love you keep you from the one who will.
You have cried enough dear, it’s time to dust yourself up and keep love’s flame alive in your heart again. Go see a movie, get your hair done, wear some make up and just live again. It would be sad if your good man finds you hurt and broken, not because he would leave you heck he would love you in whatever form you are but that would be making him pay for a crime he did not commit.
So my darling, I understand that you are hurting but enough of over analyzing and thinking about what you said or did wrong or if you should have fought some more or dropped your standards. Leave the past behind and move on.
I said before that I am no expert on the issues of the heart but Love my dear is not stressful or draining, it enriches and uplifts. You would not need constant reassuring from a person that loves you because their actions will show and even though he wouldn’t be perfect he will show you in every way that he wants you and no one else. He will accept you just the way you are.
Finally I need you to keep these in mind: never become desperate else you will settle for less. Never chase a man no matter what, if he would not chase you let him be. If you like him do not chase him away but don’t chase after him either. Pursue your dreams, get more education, read books, invest in yourself, stay beautiful and just live because love will come and when it does, you will be thankful that you did not settle for less. Don’t give up on God, He heals broken hearts and has the best plans for you. Most importantly, remember you do not NEED a man to complete you…You are complete just as you are.
If your man is pushing you away and acting distant
ReplyDeleteOr if the guy you’re after isn’t giving you the time of day...
Then it’s time to pull out all the stops.
Because 99% of the time, there is only 1 thing you can say to a standoffish guy that will grab him by the heartstrings-
And get his blood pumping at just the thought of you.
Insert subject line here and link it to: <=========> Your ex won’t be able to resist?
Once you say this to him, or even send this simple phrase in a text message...
It will flip his world upside down and you will suddenly find him chasing you-
And even begging to be with you.
Here’s what I’m talking about: <=========> Is your man hiding something? He may need your help?
Thanks again.
Thank you Jon for your comment.