Saturday, 30 January 2016


We all get there. We all have days when we have felt that life can be more than it is for us. Things are not so bad but you want more, you know you can be and do more. You want a change but don't seem to know how to go about bringing about that change. I have been there and in fact very recently I felt that way again. I wanted more, wanted to do more but the question that loomed in my head was 'How'? I thought to call someone, anyone I could share my thoughts with, one whose judgement and advice I could trust. So I picked up my phone and scrolled through my contacts but couldn't think of anyone to call, besides even if I knew a few people I could talk to, I thought it better not to bother them, who knew what battles and challenges they may be facing?
Then I muttered a silent prayer. Shortly after, my phone beeped &  it was a message on WhatsApp from my Mentor and friend, he sent a picture message that read 'a strong positive mental attitude will create more miracles than any wonder drug', wow what coincidence!
I responded and told him how grateful I was and that his message was timely. Before long he sent three more inspiring picture messages and then I knew it was no coincidence, it was God letting me know I wasn't alone.
My mind was still filled with thoughts and I proceeded to talk to him. I thanked him again, reminding him how timely his message was and told him how I felt. He assured me that such feeling of discontent Oftentimes leads us to take bold risks that bring about positive change. He called me up, reminding me that I was a Champion, 'his champ' and by the time the call ended, I felt encouraged and knew just what to do.
I kept telling myself I'm God's Champion and God never leaves his champs alone neither does he fail them. From Joseph, to Moses, Joshua, Ruth, Deborah, Hannah, Samuel, David, Esther, Elijah, Elisha, Gideon, Paul and all other men God chose, he never failed them.
In the book of 1st Peter 5:7 we are told to cast ALL our cares on him BECAUSE HE CARES FOR US. As reassuring as that is, it is also a reminder that God knows that we will have cares and worries as humans but we ought to know that we are never alone for as Hebrews 13:5b says 'I will never leave you nor forsake you'. It is a blessed assurance that the monarch of the universe sits with us in silent strength and gently holds us till we can't help but recognize that even now, he is here with us.
So if you are in that place when it seems it can't get worse and you can't seem to find someone to talk to, remember you are God's Champion. God cares for his champs and never leaves them alone.

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