
Monday, 8 October 2018

Are You Postponing Your Happiness? You Are Doing Yourself

"You love music Okiemute, you can never be sad."

I smiled as I responded, "I understand life, happiness is the only goal."

It was a colleague speaking to me days ago as I walked past him humming to the song I was listening to.

I used to postpone happiness.

I used to say when I get this and this, meet so and so, buy this and that then I would be very happy but I have realized that as I wait for that special day, special thing, special someone or special place life is passing by.

I realized this and change my goal a few years ago. 

Now all I want in life is to be happy. 

This is my goal.

It's the reason why I let go of people and things that cost me my peace of mind. It is also the reason why when I meet people who make me happy, I hold on to them.
I laugh out loud. I sing out loud. Dance when I want - whether I can dance is a matter for another day. I protect my space and avoid people with drama or who over think things. I live simply.

I look for happiness in everything no matter how things are. I no longer postpone happiness because I have learned that while it is difficult to find it in myself, it is impossible to get it from anyone or anything outside of me.

I am happy now, where I am, with what I have and I try to spread it to others like I am doing now.

There will always be one more thing to do, get or be.
There will always be a reason to not be happy you must therefore find ONE reason to be happy and hold on to it.

Most of the things stressing you now may not matter in a month's time and there is no guarantee that you will be here then - so why stress yourself over what you can't control?

Like we as Nigerians say "You think you are doing me? You are doing yourself."

Don't postpone happiness, be happy here, now and with what you have.

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