Monday, 1 October 2018

The Biggest Cell In The World - You May Be In It

Do you know you may be in chains without even knowing?

So many people are in what I'll call the biggest cell in the world. We are prisoners even though we seem to walk freely. We are held in chains and unable to pursue our dreams or just live because we fear what people may say. We are prisoners of other people's opinions and insecurities.

This I think is the worst place to be in.

Let me state here that I'm not saying we should be insensitive and live thoughtlessly, we just shouldn't always bother about what others will say especially when we are sure we are doing right.

I met a lady once who said she liked a dress I wore but wouldn't wear it to work like I did because she didn't want people thinking she was showing off. I thought it was ridiculous that she would dress down because she feared what others might think. I know there is ostenstation but in my opinion she is living in the Cell of other people's opinion.

I have met people who wouldn't drive their cars because they didn't want others thinking they had money. Why buy the car if you wouldn't drive it?

Then there was the Mum who didn't want her child showing off so as not to intimidate her Sister's children - she said she didn't want her Sister to feel bad. I thought she was teaching her child timidity just to make her Sister feel good.

I recall also during my service year when I attended a training on Broadcasting. When we were taught phonetics, I excitedly started putting to practice what I had learned but some of my class mates at the time thought it may make people feel uncomfortable around me - some even jeered. Did I start the training program for the comfort of others? Isn't training supposed to distinguish me? After a while, I was given responsibilities while some of them were still trying to get their act together.

You may think you have the perfect excuse for doing or not doing certain things when in reality you are living in the cell of other people's opinion.

Do not let the fear of what people think or say hold you back. Do not be the obstacle in your way. Do not be the person that limits you. Do what you love, follow your dreams, be friends with people who are good for your soul.
You will either win or learn and either way you will live knowing you did it for you.

People pleasing will leave you miserable because you can't ever really please people.

If you think you are in the cell of other people's opinion, get out and live for you - you will gain confidence and fall in love with yourself as you do.

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