Monday, 1 October 2018

In October Drink Tea For You Will Have New Companions

I write this specially for you.

It is the first day of the month of October, and the beginning of the last quarter of the year. You may have made plans at the beginning of the year which are yet to materialize. You may be unhappy and despondent because you are unsure what the future holds. You may have given up because every step you took seem to have failed. You may be at your lowest may be feeling hopeless. 

Whatever it is you feel, no matter how bad things are, do not give up - yet.

Just try a little harder, push a little more, pray once again believing that God is able. I have seen God work, I have seen him show up and make ways when it seem like it's over and I have learned that he is a God that specializes in doing the impossible.

He is also a God that steps in when you unashamedly admit that you can't help yourself.

It is said that in a man's darkest moment even his shadow leaves him but today I speak newness to you.

In October you will have new companions.

In this month and for the rest of this year only goodness, mercy and grace will follow you.

Even when you deserve condemnation, mercy will prevail.

God will defend, protect and guide you.

In October you will have reasons to shout for joy.

Your path will shine brighter and your cup will overflow. God CANNOT fail and will not begin with you.

Just trust, obey, keep speaking life, relax and watch him surprise you - while at it drink some tea.

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