Saturday, 29 September 2018

What Will You Do With What You Have Heard?

Do you sometimes feel like life is more cruel to you than it is to others? Do you feel that other people's lives are better than yours? Have you ever heard news that left you with more questions than answers?
If you have, know that you are not alone.

Days ago I got news that really hurt and I felt betrayed and disappointed. I could almost touch the pain I felt - it seemed tangible.

I was tempted to wallow in what was happening and then I remembered that what anyone says or does isn't as important as my response. You may not be able to control what people say or do but you have the power to respond to what they say or do. Your response will determine the outcome of their actions and that outcome will set the pace for the next phase of your life.

How you respond to loss, betrayal, indignities from others, disappointment, failure and pain is more important than anything else. What you do with what you heard about your health, business, job, child(ren) or parents matters more than what you hear.

It is what changes the game.

I learned certain truths a long time ago and they are:
1. God is good and that goodness isn't dependent on what happens to me - Psalms 34:8
2. God is faithful and dependable. He is not like men - Numbers 23:17
3. He has orchestrated my life's journey so at every point if I stick with him, he will work out the best for me - Romans 8:28

Isn't it reassuring?

Nobody's life is better than yours, this is a hard truth if you are to make comparisons but it is true. So if you feel like others have better lives than you have, then maybe it is because they responded positively when they faced life's challenges - maybe.
You may make mistakes but if you have life, you can do better - it doesn't matter how bad your situation is.

No matter the transition you are going through, respond positively because until you respond there will be no outcome.

Have you asked God to just help you hold it altogether? Have you reminded yourself that God's mercies are new every morning? Have you sought counsel from wise and refined minds? Have you spoken words of life and positivity?

You determine the outcome of whatever happens to you, this is dependent on how you respond and it is the power you have.

What will you do with what you have heard?

Will you wallow in self pity? Will you write yourself off? Will you decide you will win come what may and face life with renewed enthusiasm?

The power lies with you, know this and use this power to YOUR advantage.


  1. Food for thought, inspirational, courageous, mind changer articles, God bless your ma'am...

    1. God bless you too Peter! I'm glad you are inspired, thank you so much.
