Monday, 1 October 2018

When You Get Here, Then Maybe It Is Love

There is no fear in love for perfect love casts out fear, this is what John the disciple Jesus loved said about love (1 John 4:18).

Paul the great Apostle wrote that love is patient, kind, endures all things and never fails (1 Corinthians 13:8).

This is true about love.

I had a conversation yesterday with an acquaintance, who was gushing about a love interest.

In response to her claims to being in love with the object of her affection, I told her not use the word love.

I told her "you may say you feel a strong attraction, admiration or even infatuation but not love. Until you love, you cannot love."

The truth is that until you reach a point where you know there is nothing you wouldn't forgive a person, you can't say you love them.

Love liberates, it leaves no room for pretense. Love chooses you in all your forms - sweet, sour, bitter, bland.

It covers a multitude of sin and never fails but it isn't an excuse to act irresponsibly - it does not rejoice in evil (1 Corinthians 13).

Love is not blind. It sees and decides to stay.

Love satisfies completely and gives a calm assurance. 

It is a place of rest, safety and recreation.

Love stays even when likeness is gone and until it is tested, it can't be said to be love.

Love pushes you to be the best version of you and lifts you up when you fall. It doesn't expect perfection.

When the butterflies in your tummy is replaced with a sick feeling in your stomach and you still stay, then it is love.

When you feel so embarrassed by their actions and still choose them, then it is love.

When you can look them in the eye and say "you messed up and I'm disappointed, so much that I don't know if I can handle it" and you still stay, then it is love.

When you decide to never ever give them another chance in the heat of anger and find your way home when you cool down, then it is love.

When you sit in a room full of people and smile when your eyes catches theirs from across the room, then it is love.

When everyone throws a stone at them for their action but you push through the crowd, stoop down, scoop them up and say "I'll take responsibility", then it is love.

When you find out that like most people they too have their skeletons and help them clean up but still stay, then it is love.

When you find yourself thinking of them as you read this, then maybe it is love.

Love grows from life's lessons and says "we may not have it all together but together we have it all".

Love says even through your darkest days, I'll never change cos I want to see this through therefore I'll stand by you.

Love is both a journey and a destination.

You may not get here in one day, heck it may take years but until you are certain you will stay when you get there, don't use the word love - I wouldn't too because until it is love, it can't be love.


  1. Okiemute!!!
    This is fire, this is deep, this is touching, it pierces to the soul...this is love and until one gets here they have not loved.
    Too bad we abuse the word 'love' and when it's time to prove it, we run because we say what we do not understand. Thank you for putting this together.

    1. Preach it!!!

      Lol...With life and experiences we get educated and with love, when we get there, we will be sorry for the times we confused it with what 'looked like it'.

      Until it's love, it's can't be imitated.

      Thank you for your kind words.
