"If I had known the life I was searching for was looking me right in the eye and was already my own."
These are lyrics from Adekunle Gold's 'Ire'.
I love the song and I think it's message is profound especially because I have heard a lot about going in search of greener pastures, making that move for change etal. I even advocate it and while that is good I think we do not talk enough about making the most of the gifts, privileges, opportunities, relationships we have.
And maybe we should do more of that.
Maybe we should talk more of being sure we have sufficiently watered our grass before we sojourn to another.
Maybe we should focus on building with what we have, where we are because the painful thing would be to find out that the gold you have been chasing was right in your back yard and all you needed to do was dig a little deeper. Or that the mountain you have been climbing has been nothing but sand especially when it crumbles and doesn't hold you up as you expect. As you come crashing down you realize that you had the answer all along but was too blind to see.
Maybe we should explore our gifts, try again and again before we decide to let go.
Maybe we need to change our perspective, change the way we see the things and people we have instead of trying to change them.
I recall a session with Speaker, Fela Durotoye once when he stated that 'Owo' means both hand and money in Yoruba. The context in which the word is used makes the difference. Perspective!
The year has just begun and it is the time when we make changes. It is the season of new beginnings, the time we hear messages about starting afresh.
The time we clean our closets and toss out the old to usher in the new.
I believe in change. I believe in burning bridges that no longer serve us but I'm now learning about watering my grass, colouring it green if need be, exhausting my options before taking a walk.
Maybe it comes with experience, maybe it comes with life but I have learned that sometimes it's not a new shoe we need. Sometimes what we need to do is polish the old shoe we spent so much money to purchase, after all we already know where that one pinches.
The greatness you seek may be lying in what you have in your hand, it depends on what you do with it, how you speak about it and dream of it.
When Jesus Christ was to perform his first miracle the turning of water into wine, he asked that they bring the water they already had. He made history with what could have been discarded.
I may not be totally right, we may indeed have to burn more bridges and move on to new ventures but we should also try watering the grass more, exhausting our options and recreating ourselves before finally moving on.
Goodness is calling out to you but you may not need to move anywhere else to find it.
Remember that the grass is greener where you water the ground.
Get your hands dirty and get to work before its too late.