Saturday, 29 December 2018

Love, Hate, Ambivalence and Everything In between

"Okiemute, seems like everyone is using you again." He said.
"Seems like it o", I responded. My voice sounded shrill even in my ears.
Do you know why?" He asked.
"Uhmmmm...well", I said and before I could say anything he added.
"It's because you are valuable. You give your best and it's easy to see."

That was my mentor and I conversing. He had called unexpectedly to tell me he was in the country as well as ask about my progress at work.

To be honest, the past weeks and months have been a rollercoaster of events, meetings, deadlines briefings and more deadlines but I am grateful for the gift of work, knowing my presence and talent makes a difference and that the success of some things depends on my availability.

This is purpose, my raison d'etre.

I have also had a series of answered prayers and I love my job.

We had this conversation about a month ago.

Fast forward to today and I wasn't so sure about this love anymore and I'll tell you why.

I had gone with a colleague to get books. Okay, he was the one that wanted books, I on the other hand wanted to get drinks for a private party I was organising for Me, Myself and I.
We would first pick his books and then go get my drinks.

As we got into the mall a photographer approached us taking pictures of us and I decided to oblige him. I told my colleague to give me a few minutes and that's how the picture above was taken.

As soon as we got into the book shop, several titles jumped at me and I knew I was definitely going to buy them. As I conversed with the attendant in charge about the books I liked, my phone rang. It was my line manager calling. I noted that I was out getting stuff😜 and would be with him shortly. Almost 15 minutes later and after his third call I rushed out to meet him. I promised my colleague that I would back shortly.

"Okiemute you need to go to Mississippi."
That was the first thing my Line Manager said as soon as I apologized for taking a little time.
"Where's that?" I asked.
"It's at Maitama."

A Lawmaker's house had been invaded by armed security men and I had to go do a report on what was happening.

"Alright Sir." I said as I kissed books and drinks goodbye. My private party plans had just ended - I felt like my privacy had been invaded too and I wasn't sure about this love for work anymore.
I just kept thinking all sorts of things. This holiday season is when these people chose for their drama, imagine!

I love my job and on the days when the love isn't strong I tell myself "work is a bitter pill you swallow."

But today? It was a feeling of ambivalence - I had mixed feelings.

"What if I was in the middle of #&*$%, is this how I would have been called?"

Anyway that was how the next 3-4 hours of my day was spent monitoring happenings of the incident, doing interviews and reporting it.

Fast forward to a few hours later - I had finished my report, edited the interviews/telephone conversations with the parties concerned and was home watching the news when my report on the story which is probably the hottest news story at this time came on.

I smiled as I felt like a mother holding her baby for the first time after 9 months of pregnancy, like a lover reuniting with their beloved after months apart, like a Politician winning an election after months of campaigning and making promises he knows he will not keep.

I was on the phone with my brother at the time and I held the phone close to the speakers so he could hear my report. I was elated.

Oh and by the way I still bought two books 'Don't die on Wednesday' and 'Urichindere'.

I also had Whisky in the fridge so I was also able to have my private party.

As I sipped my drink I saw the comment on our platform by the National head of my department "Nice story Okiemute. You used good judgement."

A good day it was right? There is indeed a God...okay bye!

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