Saturday, 1 December 2018

Dear Mr Fix It

Dear Mr Fix It,

How are you today? I know you are perfect, just and all-powerful but I'm asking anyway.

Today I am writing you to reach out to you as a friend. Nothing more, a friend because I really need one just like you - big, strong, powerful and reliable. 

I am taking a break from my pursuit of purpose to reach out to you and to tell you that sometimes it gets hard. It does. I admit that too many times I have tried to do it by myself but I have paid a lot of prices for that and I have learned. Now I need you to love me to the truth, I want love's perfect work to be done in me.

Captain of my destiny, today I want you to take me and fix anything that's broken in me. You have done so much for me so forgive me if I seem like an ingrate but you said to cast 'all' of my cares on you and to come unto you when I feel weary. So today I come - again, trusting that you would not turn me away. I drift away and try to be strong on my own but not anymore - today I come to you.

Today I cast my cares at your feet, trusting you to take care of me. Today I lay my burdens before you because when I walk away, I'll be free - free of worries, concerns and cares.

On this first day of December I say unashamedly that I can't do life on my own, I always make a mess of myself when I try. I open up to you, search me, quench the thirst in my soul, fill the void in my heart and strengthen me for the journey ahead especially as I enter a new phase of my life. Make me whole. I know you can if I let you do it, so I'll let you. I'll let go and let you fix me. I am not here to ask for money or fame but that you teach me where to go, who to trust, how to love...I try but I falter, fall and fail.

I come to you because I have tried you and I have found you to be worthy. I now know that my world is better with you in it. Be my Saucer to catch whatever I let slip.

Today I want to be held, held by arms firm and strong. I want a shoulder to lean on, big bold shoulders but I'll lay me down to sleep and rest knowing that I'm safe in the arms of your love cos it has been you all along. It is you who love all my curves, edges and imperfections. It has always been you.

I seek you today and I'll keep seeking and running after you. Why? I'm lost without you, that's why. 

Without you I'm like a Monarch without a Kingdom, a Ship without Sail, a Groom without a Bride, a Day without the Sun, a Song without Lyrics, a Bird without Wings, a Heart without a Beat and what's a Heart without a Beat?

Mr Fix It, I am glad I found you.

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