Sunday, 7 October 2018
Today, Have This Honest Conversation With Yourself
Do you desperately seek a change in your life? Do you want things to happen differently for you? Does your relationship with people always follow a certain pattern?
Then maybe you should change certain things about yourself.
I am currently listening to Michael Jackson's 'Man In the Mirror' where he sings "I am gonna make a change for once in my life...I am starting with the man in the mirror, I am asking him to change his ways. If you wanna make the world a better place take a look at yourself and then make a change."
These words are soulful, powerful and ring true. True because real change starts from within. True because sometimes the only way to make things right is to change yourself - priorities, values, habits, you.
It's as Albert Einstein said "insanity is doing things the same way and expecting a different result."
I have lived and learned enough to realize that sometimes it is me and not people that need to change.
My perspective, mentality, priorities, habits, character.
The best way to make this change is to consider the pattern things take for you, weigh them against your perspective of the world and people and see what you can do differently.
Try living and thinking differently, try being less selfish and egotistical, try being more humane but do not lose yourself in the process.
Do not become a 'Yes man' or 'People pleaser' in the process, do not be a 'door mat', be less egocentric but retain your authentic self, your self respect.
Wouldn't it be great for people to see a new side to you?
A more loving, less critical, more accommodating and better human being? Wouldn't it be nice for people to envy those who are in your life as they imagine the joy they experience with you? Starting today begin a new relationship with yourself and see how it affects your relationship with others.
I constantly evaluate and reevaluate myself and it helps me see where I can be better as I have realized that life is a process of becoming and unbecoming.
I have committed to become more loving, patient, kind, gentle, faithful, forgiving - better while holding on to my values and retaining myself.
Today again, I'm starting with the Woman in the mirror, I'll have a conversation with her because no message can be clearer than the one I tell myself.
I'll make that change, one day at a time, one mistake at a time, one lesson at a time and I hope you do too.
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