Sunday, 7 October 2018

I Am a Sunflower. What Are You?

I am about to have breakfast this Sunday morning and while everyone else ate Moi-moi with Pap, I am having Moi-moi with Garri. 
As I unwrapped the Moi-moi unto a plate and picked up a tray on which to put the plate, I noticed it was a tray I had not used before so I made to read what was written on it.

Some trays have really beautiful inscriptions on them. Examples of some I have read are 'the best thing in life is TEA' - I love tea so I love this phrase, I also like 'Have a Slice, Life is nice' but this has to be the most beautiful inscription I have read on a tray.

It goes 'What's your favorite Flower?
SUNFLOWER: In the morning, the sun is in one part of the sky. In the afternoon, it is in another part. Did you already know this? It is called Sunflower. A Sunflower faces the sun all the time'.


The last sentence got to me 'A Sunflower faces the sun all the time.'

The Sunflower knows that the sun moves from one part of the sky to another and when the sun moves from one part, darkness will come but it doesn't stress about the darkness. It simply moves to faces the sun - EVERY TIME.

The Sunflower knows dark days will come but only faces the bright side of life and sees only possibilities no matter what. The Sunflower doesn't deny the fact that there are challenges, it does not pretend during tough times. It just doesn't concern itself with the negativity around it, it chooses instead to focus on the source of light - the Sun.

I am a Sunflower.

I am the one that sees only possibilities and positivity. I am the one that never gets weighed down by what happens around, I am the one that faces the light no matter how dark it is around me. I am the one that smiles when I hear bad news and says 'it will work out for good' and it always does.
I am the one who finds ways to be cheerful regardless, I am the one that thinks life is a gift too precious to be wasted on trivialities.

I am the one that turns up my praise in the midst of life's challenges.

I am the one that goes on her knees and lifts up her hands to say 'Lord I can't do this life by myself as I always mess up, help me' and trusts that he cares enough to clean up my mess and help me.

I am a Sunflower.

What is your favorite flower? What are you?

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