Wednesday, 17 October 2018

I Saw The Movie Wonder And Learned These Lessons I Will Teach My Child

"My Mum always says if you don't like where you are, picture where you want to be."

These are words from the 2017 movie 'Wonder'.

It tells the story of a young boy who's born with a condition that causes him to be facially different. After being home schooled for years by his mother who's role is played by Julia Roberts, he has to go to 'real' school and face the real world. It was like sending a lamb to the slaughter.
Most of the other kids were not nice at first but in the end he became the darling of the school and even won an award.
I know this ending is predictable and it doesn't always work like this in life but I learned a few lessons from the movie, particularly on how I would raise my child(ren).

1. I will teach my child resilience. Children need to know that people can be mean and that as much as Mummy and Daddy loves them, there are battles they will have to fight alone. We may hold their hands through it but they have to take up the sword themselves and fight. They have to fight naysayers, bullies, insecure people and envious, mean people and life's challenges.0

2. I will teach my child to not feel entitled. Children have to know the world owes them nothing and know that whatever comfort or luxury they enjoy is a privilege. A privilege that must not be taken for granted.

3. I will tell my child that not everyone will like her and that is okay. People change too and sometimes it is not about you, just be ready. I will teach my child not to seek to be liked but to be respected and this is earned by being authentic.

4. I will teach my child to be kind. Everyone is fighting a battle so if you have to choose between being right and being kind, choose kindness - it is underrated.

5. I will also teach my child not to ever give up because sometimes her kindness may be thrown in her face, she should not be deterred.

6. I will teach my child about tolerance. She will meet people whose values differ from hers but she should learn to be tolerant without conforming.

7. I will teach her that failing is not the end of the world. Your world only ends when you stop trying. 

8. I will always remind her that I love her and that she has a safe place with me. I will share my own struggles and experiences growing up with her just so she knows she is not alone.

9. This was not in the movie but I will teach her about trusting God because there are burdens too heavy for any human to bear. So to avoid disappointment and heartbreak she needs to know that men are fallible but God is reliable.

10. This one is for you as a parent, do you have dreams that you aspire to? Do not give up on them because you are raising children. Do something no matter how small with your gifts for yourself and as an example for your child(ren).

I look back on the times I may have hurt people without meaning to sometimes by keeping a distance because of their appearance and I realise that we can hurt people without being mean. I am learning to be kind(er).

I learned about resilence, faith, kindness, patience and love from my Mother and I will teach my children these too because long after I am gone, these will keep them on this journey of life.

Your child is a wonder, may you KNOW that and remind them - ALWAYS!


  1. Kindness is indeed underrated especially in a world where people equate being hard hearted as being cool.

    This is beautiful, I learned too.

    1. It is indeed. We should strive to be kind every chance we get, thank you for your thoughts.
