Tuesday, 16 October 2018

A Lesson About Chasing Love

This October I had a plethora of weddings.

I couldn't attend any of them because I too am dealing with a new kind of marriage - work.

As I sat this evening perusing the pre-wedding photos yet another friend put up, I found myself musing about the lesson a married friend once shared with me about love.

She said "if I had known, all the times I spent trying to hold on to relationships and chasing love would have been invested in myself and career because love is not something you chase, it is something that finds you".

She added "when your person comes, you will almost slap yourself for stressing in the past because you would know that you wouldn't need to bend over backwards to please them. They just want you as you are".

She also said "Okiemute focus on you but don't build walls around your heart. Pursue your dreams not love, it will find you and when it does you will wonder why you ever stressed yourself about the people that walked away".

As I sat still going through the pictures of my friend and her Fiancé - young and in love with the promise of a future that is theirs to paint, a family to create, children to nurture and a home to fill with warmth, laughter and love, I remember my friend's words.

And I smile.

Dreams and goals are to be chased firecely but love is different. Love is not something to be chased, it is what happens to you by accident but when it comes you embrace and nurture it intentionally.

Don't go looking for love, look instead for ways to be better so you will be ready for love when it comes - because it will.


  1. This is so spot on...love(marriage) should be an interruption in our pursuit of our goals and vision for life. It shouldnt be what you go chasing after,infact it should be an "add on" to your pursuit of purpose....your spouse should meet you aggressively chasing your dreams. If those dreams cross paths them truly you can say you have met an help mate suitable for you

    1. Truer words have not been said.

      I love this line in particular "it should be an "add on" to your pursuit of purpose....your spouse should meet you aggressively chasing your dreams."

      Thank you Olly.
