Tuesday, 11 September 2018

Will You Remember: A Lover's Plea

If tomorrow you wake up in the arms of another, will you remember?

If someday you look in another's eyes and see what you once saw in mine, will you remember?

When you hold their hand and promise to never let them go, will you remember?

When you talk with them till the wee hours of the morning about your plans for the future, will you remember?

If you walk down the aisle with someone else, as he uncovers your veiled face will you remember? 

Will you remember the one who fell helplessly for you?

Will you remember the one who loved you in spite of your imperfections?

Will you remember that I once held you in my arms and shared my dream of our lives together with you?

Will you remember the one who danced with you in the rain and nursed you when you were ill?

Will you look back and remember the one who would have stood by you through any battle?

I hope you do but even if you don't I will stay content with having you as mine for now.

I will remember that today, it is I who get to love you.

I will love you with my best self but if tomorrow we part, will you remember?


  1. Some memories of the past will always remain beautiful.

    1. Yes they will but then that's all they should be 'memories'.
