Thursday, 13 September 2018

Learning To Walk On Water

Have you ever imagined holding a robust, healthy snake by its tail while it is 'strolling'?
Most people including me would flinch, turn and run but I know one man who did it.

His name is Moses.

Moses faced his fear when he picked up a live snake and he won.
The greatest enemy of a man is fear and this fear more often than not is in his mind. You are what your what mind tells you and will do what your mind says you can.

It's as the great Henry Ford said, "whether you think you can or you can't you are right."

It is not as easy as said but it is what it is - your mind is powerful enough to start or stop you. The fear that holds us back exists no where else but in our minds.

For the past days I have had the song 'No Longer Slaves' by Jonathan David and Melissa Helser on replay and it has done so much to my mind.
Slaves are slaves because they are labeled by their fellow men and they grow up reechoing that which they have been told.

It's like the Osu caste system practiced in some parts of Igbo land.

A child is labeled an Osu (outcast) just because he is from a particular lineage, he grows up knowing he is not a Diala (free born) and doesn't bother about mixing with/marrying the free born simply because he has been told that - he is a victim of the information fed his mind.
His mind accepts it, he tells his children the same thing and his generation's fate is sealed.

You may say we can't fight culture but culture was made for man and not man for culture and the day that changes your life is the day you decide that you can be anything you want, deserve to have all you desire and decide to work for it.

It is as Mark Twain said "the two most important days in a man's life are the days he is born and the day he finds out why."

That is what happened to Moses - and Peter, but I'll share Peter's story later.

You may know the story of Moses, the Prince of Egypt who turned his back on royalty.

Moses knew there was more to all he had been exposed to, he knew his true identity was not what society had fed him and he went all out to discover himself and his purpose.

God was proud, so proud that he decided to have him deliver the Israelite from Pharoah but God knew there was more to the task than a determination to live differently.
He knew he had to delete the fear files in Moses before he could embark on the task.
I mean, Egypt was the world power at the time, had all the magic available and wielded it proudly. So anyone going up against them had to come correct. 

That's why God had him face one of the greatest challenges I'm sure any man who hasn't been trained would have to face - picking up a live snake.

He renewed Mosesv mind by feeding him new information, exposing him to a different reality and showing him what is possible.
I'm sure Moses had his fears too but he remembered that it was God - the one who calls himself 'I am that I am' - who instructed him to, so he simply obeyed. 

Today the story of Israel will not be complete without Moses' name.

Now lets talk about Peter.

He saw Jesus Christ walking on water and dared to try. Guess what happened?

Peter did walk on water.

He killed his fear, saw a different reality and for a moment walked in the same league as Christ.

So who told you that you are not enough? Who sold the idea that certain people are out of your league and therefore not for you? Who placed the label you are known with on you? Who says you have to live like everyone else in your family? Who says you can't break out and carve a niche for yourself?

Moses dared to walk out on his background and while he was carving a path, God found him. So if God has called you to be a pace setter why are you holding back?
If you are sure you heard his voice why let fear of what might be hold you back?

It is your father, the one who made you and loves you more than anyone else that has put that dream in your heart and you must trust him enough to pursue that dream because so many other destinies are dependent on yours. There's too much at stake so let nothing, not the voice of your family, friends, foes or the voice in your head stop you.

If you cannot fulfill your purpose where you are, move. You are not a tree.

You are a child of God - let that sink in and maybe you will see that it is possible.

You were made to walk on water so stop standing by the shore.

Put your feet in, raise your head high, fix your gaze on the one who called you and walk on.

The world will jeer at first, maybe even discourage you or call you names but before long, if you dare to keep your gaze on God, your fears will drown and the world will have no choice but cheer as you walk on water.

It wouldn't be an easy ride but you will make it through.

Know that there's so much on the other side of fear but you must first dare to walk on water.