Tuesday, 24 July 2018

The Easiest Way To Break A Heart

I ducked as I saw him.
He was standing by his car and I wasn't sure if he was leaving soon. I stood where I was sure he wouldn't see me so I could watch him.

I had gone to shop but I contemplated leaving or waiting till I was sure he was gone. I decided to wait and before long he left. I felt bad about hiding and one would think I am a fugitive or that I'm indebted to him but it is me paying for my friend's sin.

I am avoiding a man I would have greeted cheerfully only weeks ago before he found out my friend was seeing someone else. Now we are all his enemies because he thought we knew all along.

I still recall the look on her face the day she broke the news to me. Her boyfriend had found out about the new man in her life and when he thought she would apologize and ask his forgiveness, she told him she wanted out.

She cried as she spoke "he was good to me really and deserves better but I couldn't even pretend to be sorry. I feel so terrible, I should have listened to you."
I looked on and said nothing.
"What do you think I should do now?" She asked.
I shrugged, "You didn't do what you should have done. Now you have to focus on your new relationship and if you think this still isn't it, leave honorably. He may be hurt but really there's no easy way to break a heart."

I had this conversation with my friend weeks ago, today I am hiding from her ex because I am yet to muster the courage to face him. Would I smile and ask if he is well when I know he isn't?
I had warned, encouraged & threatened her but eventually let her be because she was waiting for the 'right time' to call off a relationship she was done with.

This isn't me saying we should pick and drop people as we please like Warren Barfield sang in 'Love is not a fight', love is not a place to come and go to as we please, it requires a commitment to make it work and sometimes demand that we lock the door behind us, throwaway the keys and work it out together.
Love is something to be fought for but oftentimes we get to a point in relationships where we know there is no future in it for us and instead of letting go we hold on.

Sometimes it's the fear of the unknown especially if we have put in years and are not sure of what the future holds. It's as people say about the devil one knows being better than the angel one doesn't know but it is even better to dine alone than to dine with the devil.

Sometimes it's because we pity the other person and do not want to hurt their feelings but it's better to let them go than string them along till they find out - then you do not just hurt but shatter them. 

Sometimes it is a result of selfishness, wanting to eat your cake and have it. So you stay until you get your plan B, a new relationship.

Sometimes it is because we fear what people might say and sometimes it is because we know that the love we have isn't enough to sustain the relationship, other factors may be missing. 

Whatever the reason you give there is nothing honorable in holding onto a relationship you do not want anymore.
Nothing will justify stringing a person along when you know you want nothing with them. You may pretend to still like them but as has been said, the heart wants what it wants and it has nothing to do with logic so eventually you will have to bell the cat.

They may call you names, plead for another chance or even threaten you but you must remember that pain can make a person irrational.

So if you ever get to a point in a relationship where you know you want out, please leave so that your friends will not pay for your sins by avoiding the person you hurt.

There is no easy way to say 'I don't want this relationship anymore.'

The easiest way to break a heart is to let it fall when it trusts that you would hold it because you are waiting for the right time to say it is no longer safe in your hands.

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