Monday, 23 July 2018

An Ode To The One Who Holds My Heart

This is to the one who holds my heart.

The one who calls me blameless and faultless.

You who see a girl deserving of love when you look at me.

You have orchestrated my life's journey.

You called me by name long before I was born and have all my days written.

The author of my life, redeemer, saviour and friend.

The one who's always available and for whom distance and time is no barrier.

There is no alternative to you.

The one to whom I owe my loyalty because long after people come and go you will remain.

The one who specializes in doing the impossible and takes delight in surprising me.

You would never use me or ever betray my trust.

You are goodness personified, the embodiment of love.

You whose mercy makes me unashamed to run into your arms.

You see my heart and know my thoughts before I mouth them.

My future is past tense to you, the seeds of my womb are known to you even now.

You know my weakness and still love me with an everlasting love.

No one will ever take your place because your position is uncontestable.

Best cannot describe you because you are better than that.

The shepherd and lover of my soul.

The one who takes care of me.

A God that can't be seen but who's work is visible.

Elegbete! Oviero'de! Oghener'ovwegba!

This is for you my Father and my God.

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