Wednesday, 13 June 2018
What Are You Creating?
I listened intently as he spoke and still recall his words.
"Everything you see is created twice. First in the mind and then in reality".
He paused for a while and continued, "You have to first see what you want in your mind before it can become a reality as such much more important than eyesight is visionsight. Visionsight helps you see beyond your present condition".
It was my mentor speaking to me in the course of our conversation about the change I wanted in my career.
He reiterated the power of the mind, reminding me of the days when what I have now were just dreams.
"You didn't know how what you wanted would come but you kept thinking and talking about it and prepared for it, so when the opportunity presented itself you took it because you were ready. Never stop dreaming Okiemute". He said.
He went on further to talk about the entitlement mentality which causes us not to give and do our best because we think something is due to us or someone owes us because of who we are or what we have done.
It's as Rev Howard-John Wesley puts it, a sense of entitlement is what makes people not give their best because they think showing up is just enough. It is feeling something/someone owes you more than you owe it/them as such you you are excused from giving your best to it/them.
"Most people are entitled, don't be like most people", he added. "Be the one that goes the extra mile because even if no one appreciates you now, someday somewhere someone will", he went on.
"Just keep seeing all you want and not all you have. Forget your present and work for your future".
He said a lot more which in summary is creating the life you want first in your mind, preparing, dressing and working for it so that when the opportunity comes you will be ready to fit in without struggle.
Some people call it the law of attraction - the great secret, which is that the universe responds to your thoughts.
The Bible calls it Faith, having the evidence of what you expect even when you can't see it.
So you live like it, confess it, prepare for it, work for it inspite of the odds until you become it.
Everything you see is created twice, first in your mind and then in reality.
What are you creating now?
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