Tuesday, 12 June 2018

She Typed Amen And He Proposed

I recently read a post on a Facebook group page that made me laugh out loud, really loud.

My neighbour showed it to me as she commented on her friend's reaction to the post.

It was a post made on a group for women. You know those ones with names like women in Nigeria, brotherhood and sisterhood, ranting women etal whose goal is usually to 'support' women but becomes a lamenting ground for the injustices women suffer in the hands of men - boyfriends, husbands, in laws etal and the prayer house of those looking for marriage.

I am all for women supporting women but when women begin to talk only about marriage, relationships or how to get the ring it becomes worrisome and outrightly annoying.

Why don't we support each other with ideas to grow businesses, ways to be dependent and self sufficient no matter the amount one earns, job opportunities and ways to be active participants and contributors (not solely via procreation) to society instead?

It is for reasons like this that I dislike - yes I don't like them - such groups.

So back to the gist about the post my neighbour showed to me. It was the testimony of a young lady who had gotten engaged. In her words, she liked and typed 'Amen' on posts about engagements/weddings and miraculously the man in her life proposed.

You should have seen the torrents of comments from ladies all typing 'amen' and 'tapping' into her testimony.

My neighbour saw her friend's comment on it too and showed it to me.

I laughed really hard. Not because I do not believe in miracles but because I thought she - the poster wasn't being entirely honest.

Marriages do not happen because you typed amen neither will they be sustained by amen.

Relationships require work and dedication as such even if a man proposes marriage - which can be declined by the way - in weeks, months or years, it would have taken serious thought, a lot of work would have been put in and a lot of sacrifices made. 

So as much as I would love to agree, I think it takes more than typing 'Amen' to sustain a relationship or get a man to decide that it would be you for the rest of his life.

But then what do I know about the poster's experience? It is different from mine so it could be true that she typed amen and then he proposed.

What do you think?

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