Wednesday, 30 March 2016

Cinderella: A Different View

The Cinderella story created by Disney is one of the most popular stories and has been reenacted severally in movies and books. 

I think though that it is not a story I will tell my daughter(s) for reasons I will highlight below. 

1.Cinderella's Step-Mother was depicted as evil but Step-Mothers are not always evil. When one hears the word stepmother they usually think evil and wicked first and it is the idea sold to us from such fairy tales. As a result when we see children living with Step-Mothers we tend to see them as victims, it's wrong.

2. Prince Charming is not real. Abeg no need to create the picture of the 'perfect and handsome' man that would come to save your little girl. Instead of emphasizing on his looks, tell her about traits such as resourcefulness, tact, thoughtfulness, kindness, discipline and decency. Innate qualities are more important than a man's appearance.

3. Girls do not need to be pretty to be accepted. We are told that Cinderella was pretty and good while her stepsisters were ugly and wicked which is why she got the Prince's attention. This makes us judge people most times based on their appearance and may lead girls to desire perfection - which is unattainable.

4. Girls are active participants in relationships. Cinderella is painted as a passive female whose only role was to look good for the ball and even when she fled at midnight (which is akin to trying times in a relationship), the Prince went all out and all she had to do was fit into glass slippers. In the real world, a woman is a partner and an active participant in a relationship.

5. A girl doesn't need a man to save her.  Cinderella is depicted as the poor maid who waits for Prince Charming to give her life a meaning. This may lead to girls fantasizing about a man who would come to save them from their 'hard' life instead of seeking success on their own. I do not deny that a good man sometimes encourages and supports you to succeed but you must first have the drive on your own. Christ already saved us and that is enough.

I would teach her instead about Queen Esther. 

Esther was an orphan that became a queen but she didn't just live happily ever after, she fought battles on her knees and physically to save her people and was even willing to die for them. She didn't just sit pretty like her predecessor, I think that's a better story to tell my daughter.

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