Monday, 28 March 2016

An Unending Love Affair.

I would like to think that most relationships start out this way:
Boy meets girl, girl catches his attention, he goes all out to get her attention and does everything in the books to win her heart. 
Girl may not be interested at first but may become deeply moved by the length he goes just to get her attention and girl may decide to have a relationship with boy.
Overtime they both form a bond through communication and fellowship. 
They learn about each other's likes and dislikes, hopes and aspirations, fears and pet peeves, past mistakes and failure and this knowledge helps the relationship to just grow. Then they may decide to seal it forever and continue in fellowship.

This is akin to God's motive of sending his son to die for us - John  3:16.

No human love can compare to his kind of love for us but I used that illustration to buttress the fact that Christ died and rose not just to save us from sin but to draw us to the Father.

The highest purpose of his birth, death and resurrection is not to save us from sin. It is to call us into fellowship.
'God is faithful, by whom ye were called into the fellowship of his son Jesus Christ our Lord' - 1 Corinthians 1:9.
As such believing in him and being saved is only a first step, communing with and knowing the Father is the ultimate goal.

We see then that Salvation from sin is a means to an end, the end here being 'Fellowship with God'.
Christ came to call us to oneness with God and to make us part of his family.

This is why John the beloved exclaimed 'behold what manner of love the Father has bestowed upon us, that we should be called the sons of God' - 1 John 3:1.

In time past the Israelites had to rely on the Priest to communicate with God as only he could enter the holy of holies but when the Temple Veil was torn in two upon Christ's death, we too got access to God and for the first time man could boldly stand before God. 
Now we can reach out to him from the confines of our closets needing no ceremonial garb and can also learn of him through his word.

The Christian life is an unending love affair with the Father. A relationship that only gets better with time, guiding all other relationships we have and producing fruits of souls.

Apostle Paul put it aptly when he proclaimed that 'nothing can separate us from the love of God' - Romans 8:38-39.

The Father's dream beyond redemption for you is that you 'know' him, experience him and understand his nature. 
Above all else he wants a relationship that no force can sever - what an honour to not just be loved but to be called into fellowship with God.

There is no higher calling than to have a relationship with God, this is the Father's dream.

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