Friday, 30 April 2021

A Million Little Miracles

Those days of trying not to remember, of trying to forget and block out memories of pain, treachery, loss and the hardest things you had to deal with. Memories that tug at your heart, moments when faith fled in the face of repeated failures and incertitude got the better of you reminding you that the vanquisher can sometimes become the vanquished. 

Those days, a reminder that even tough souls can feel diminutive and puny when confronted with the reality of hope deferred, of promises broken, of powerlessness in the face of danger, of love lost. Memories that are a mocking, almost jarring reminder of your humanness, that just like everyone else, you are not immune to the rocks life throws causing even warriors to stumble, to fall. 

Those days characterized by chills from icy rains, when the sun became an alien element and the stars all but disappeared leaving vestiges, prints from a seeming distant past – a past filled with warmth, and laughter and light. 

Those days, don’t you see now how they toughened your now valourous soul? Don’t you see how like an eagle they came to teach you discomfort with the mundane, the mediocre, the ordinary? Don’t you see how when you seat with kings you too speak with wisdom having experienced firsthand the pain of loss and the joy of victory? Don’t you see the sagacity you now possess that has made your mind a rich repository of insight gained from falling and rising? 

Those days, don’t you see how they have transcended the realm of reality to become just memories? Don’t you see how you now dance with intent knowing that any kind of dance is better than no dancing at all? Don’t you see how when you laugh it is hearty and without restraints? 

Those days, the pain, hurt, agony, struggles and losses have now deadened fear because in retrospect, they really were tiny little cells that now make up the whole that you have become. 

The rain stopped, the fog disappeared, the sun rose, and every breaking of the dawn has become a reminder that much more than flesh, blood and bones, you are an enigma consisting a million little miracles.

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