Monday, 30 November 2020

Above All Else, Let Him Be Kind

I recently watched clips of a video posted by a friend on her WhatsApp status. It was a speaker talking about the kinds of children there are and the kind to pray for. She stated that there are Male, Female and Kind children. As such having 10 children wouldn’t guarantee love, respect and affection especially in old age if the children are not kind. In the same vein, a person with one child may get so much attention and affection if that child is kind. 

She went on to talk about a woman who sold her property and jewelry to ensure her child schooled in one of the best universities in the world. He graduated, got a great job abroad, got married and forgot Mummy. He had not contacted his mother in about 4 years because his wife said his mother is a witch. If like me you grew up in Nigeria, then you would not be alien to stories like this. In the boy’s case, I dare say a witch who didn’t kill her son but went on to sacrifice for him to be successful is a good witch who deserves that boy’s affection and honour.

I pondered on the message long after I had watched the video and thought to myself that kindness - consideration, generosity and compassion is indeed underrated and so days later when I had a conversation with a friend who sought to know what I desired most in a spouse, I said I desire a man with a kind heart. I used to say respect was more important to me than affirmations of love but I am learning that while love and respect is good, love that goes with kindness is best.

I know the great Apostle Paul while writing about love, stated that “Love is kind” amongst many other virtues against which to measure love but I think it is easier to just quote than to practice what has been written.

I think also that love is like a vehicle with parts, as such it would be good to treat kindness as a part of love, extricate it and examine it independently to see how functional it is in the vehicle called love. This in my opinion would bring to the fore some inadequacies that we may not be aware of and may overlook.

I say this because we (me inclusive) majorly think of, describe & measure love against generalities like a partner’s ability to cause the butterflies in our tummy to flutter, turn heads when they walk into a room, fly across seas and oceans just to surprise us, give head spinning gifts, acquire more degrees than a thermometer and want us enough to commit to a lifetime union.

This reminds me of a story I read sometime this year about a groom that gifted his bride a plot of land on the moon, the land cost $45. I thought it was funny as I wondered who the realtor for the property is, how the land was surveyed, who issued the title deed, how she would go to inspect the property amongst other issues. I thought it was funny until I read that her friend had also asked her own FiancĂ© to get her a land on Moon too. 

For real? 

I laughed really hard and loudly too as I wondered how I would react if someone said they had gotten me land on the moon. Land that I cannot see or use? Thanks but I'll pass.
I know women say they want a man who would give them the moon but I didn’t think a man would take it, literally. Maybe women should stop using too many metaphors and just say what we mean, huh?

Anyway to my conversation, I think that it is not bad to seek the afore listed traits in a partner but rarely do we ponder on what their reaction would be if for example you have a surgery that makes it impossible to engage in sexual intercourse for 12 months or more - God forbid bad thing, it’s not your portion abi? What if it happens? How would he or she react? 

Or if you lose a limb or more, or suffer a burn that makes your face unrecognizable or never achieve the dreams and goals you talk about everyday while they stare in pride and awe, those dreams that made them leave their ex because you fit what the book they read described. What if life makes you a shadow of yourself? 

Is it not a kind heart that would see your soul instead and chose you even when you wouldn’t choose yourself? Is it not a kind heart that would look at you all cranky and teary eyed from sleepless nights spent nursing your new born and just hold you as you cry? Is it not a kind heart that would not jeer when your erection is not as turgid as when you were in your teens, 20s and 30s but lovingly wait till you get it up or not? Is it not a kind heart that would look at your flaccid boobs and saggy tummy and remember that you traded your firmness for the children that now mean the world to you? Is not a kind heart that would seek ways to lighten the other's burden and not let them bear their load alone?

Is it not a kind heart that would speak softly when you lose your money in the business they warned you not to invest in because it seemed shady? Is it not a kind heart that would wait patiently as they watch you wallow in pain and grief at the loss of a loved one so much that you lose interest in life itself? Is it not a kind heart that would on the days when you look at the grey haired person with a wrinkled face in the mirror wondering where your youth has gone, hold you firmly and say they would still chose you if life was theirs to do again? Is it not a kind heart that would focus on the similarities in the face of overwhelming differences? 

Isn’t kindness what Jesus commanded when he said to do unto others as we want others to do unto us? Isn’t kindness the milk that nourishes love? Isn’t it the veil and drape with which love covers a multitude of sins? Isn't it the bedrock upon which responsibility and accountability lies? Isn’t it therefore the crucial thing to seek as we sift through the love professed by our beloved?

Are my thoughts too simplistic and idealistic?

Like the speaker in the video on my friend's WhatsApp status said, is it not a kind child who would inconvenience himself to care for a parent in old age, knowing that even wealth amassed has its limits where care is needed? Is it not a kind hearted partner that would in turn demonstrate and pass on the traits that make a kind child?

Does it not make sense then that while good looks, wealth, status and influence is worthy of being coveted and even necessary, Okiemute believes that above all else, a spouse with a kind heart is better?


  1. This is beautiful and worth considering.Kindness over all butterflies in the stomach

    1. Thank you Olly, my buddy since forever. I have actually been pondering on kindness and its underrated power. Butterflies are good but kindness will stay when they flutter away. Thank you for your comment.

  2. Hmmmmm. When it hurts to love, the kindness of the heart is the dependable resilience that holds sway. Thanks Okky!

    1. Your statement makes so much sense “when it hurts to love, the kindness of the heart is the dependable resilience that holds sway”...Chai, please permit me to post this elsewhere, I will not take the credit O promise. Thank you so much for sharing your thoughts.

    2. Thanks Keetay, nothing beats a kind heart.
      As the great Mother Teresa of Calcutta would put it, "Kind words may be short and easy to say, but their echoes are truly endless!

    3. ...and the Duke stops by with Sage advice. The echoes of kind words are truly endless, and while they cost nothing, their impact is worth its weight in gold, far reaching and much more than an army could fight for. Thank you Man!

  3. Everytime I come to this wall, there's always something to learn, ponder on and take home, I gain massive knowledge and enlightened once again.

    I totally agree, love is a beautiful thing and all other package but above all having an act of kindness is endless.

    In your word "Rachael believe above all else, a spouse with a kind heart is better".
    Thanks for sharing ❣️

  4. I am glad to know this piece was insightful, thank you for telling me Rachael.

    And yes, kindness makes love better as a kind partner would apply empathy even when logical reasoning suggests otherwise.

    I like that you personalized it as well. Thank you, Happy New Year to you!

  5. "Isn't Kindness the milk that nourishes love?" End of discussion...because only a kind heart can love. Thanks for sharing mama Kitay. Found this piece really insightful

    1. My dear namesake, indeed only a kind heart can love. I’m mighty glad that you found this insightful, thank you for sharing your thoughts.
