Saturday, 8 August 2020

You Are The Gift, Always Will Be

Isn't it funny what we do with our goals?

We write about them, talk about them and resolve to never give up on them.

Yet, we treat the people in our lives differently.
We seldom write about them, rarely talk about them and are often quick to give up on them.

Isn't it funny the way we act with work?
We pray earnestly for the job we desire, study hard for it and when we get it, give it our best even on the days we feel low.
Yet, we act differently about our relationships.
We do not  intentionally pray for the kind of people we desire, we scarcely bother about studying to be good enough for them and even if they come our way, we almost never give our best on the days we feel low.

It is funny don't you think, our attitude to things?
We check out house after house till we find the neighbourhood and apartment that best suits our style, we seek expert opinion and read all the articles we can find before we purchase a car and when we go to shop for clothes the hours seem to fly past as we search stores and try outfits for the perfect fit.
Yet, we rarely take time to scrutinize folks before we let them in, we easily get carried away by physical attributes instead of the values that drive the people we meet, and when it's time to choose we barely give consideration to men with principles and values, of great sagacity.

Isn't it funny how each one of us is guilty?
We have billions appropriated to constructing bridges, pay millions for a good education and expend energy and time on research and development.
Yet, we are quick to burn bridges with the people in our lives, wouldn't pay the price to know them or earn their trust and wouldn't intentionally invest time, energy and resources to solidify and reinvent our relationships with men.

It is funny when you consider what fun and enjoyment means to us.
We plan for vacations, entertainment, exotic food and the best life has to offer.
Yet in reality, vacations, entertainment, food and life's beauty would be meaningless if there are no people to share these moments with.

Isnt it funny how we spend our lives trying to make a mark in jobs and businesses that also depend on people to survive and would demand a replacement the day we can no longer give our best?
Yet, we fail to invest in creating memories with the people in our lives, the very ones who would stop to care for us and pause to grieve should the unimaginable happen. We seldom give thought to how best to leave imprints in their hearts.

Isn't it funny how we easily think of wealth in terms of things, acquisitions and possessions?
Yet the truly priceless gifts are the men and women in our lives. The ordinary, regular people who bring sunshine and can also cause us pain. 

They are the only ones who can make routine acts like dancing, dining, playing, laughing, reading and even working meaningful. The ones capable of turning ordinary mornings and nights to remarkable and unforgettable memories, giving us moments to look forward to.

Isn't it funny how I sometimes take you, the most excellent of all God's creation for granted when you are the reason for the colours in my rainbow, spring in my steps, stars in my sky, melody to my song and even the hope in my heart?

You are 'the Gift', always have been, always will be.

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