Saturday, 1 August 2020

A Promise Kept: What It Means To Love Another

To feel extravagant fondness for another human. To consistently, unashamedly and passionately pursue them, seeking their heart.

To take on another human, promising to fight for them no matter what, to embrace their past, accept their present and forge towards an unknown future with them.
To make sacrifices you never thought possible for them, counting it as nothing and seeking their joy as your only gain.

To have your spirit dance excitedly at the thought and sight of another human, to look in their eyes and feel a fire in your heart and excitement in your soul. To heave with the realization that even if life takes them to the desert with nothing but a shirt and a tent, you'd be with them still.

To have another soul worried and restless until they are sure you are okay. To hear them speak words of life to you, challenging you to rise on your lowest days.
To have them sit with you on hard days, saying and hearing nothing but silence. To hold their hand through the silence yet hearing their heart say "I have got you no matter what".

To hear them sing a song written specially for you, unashamedly bellowing in a coarse voice in a bid to chant your worth. 
To watch them in amazement, thinking how funny their voice sounds but unable to laugh because you feel tears of gratitude welling up at the sincerity and genuineness of their expression.

To reach out for them at past 1am in a bid to snuggle, only to find their side of the bed empty. To call out their name and when greeted with silence, walk out and find them in the study or the living room or the dinning room or the patio or the balcony or even by the poolside deep in thoughts or prayers.

To press for answers but get none, to become agitated because they are visibly worried. To sit by their side, holding their hands and leaning against them in a way that says whenever you are ready to talk, I'll listen and if not, I'd still be here for you.

To hold your breath as you wait for them to change, for their consistency to dwindle, for their commitment to wane. To finally exhale at the realization that they would never stop fighting for you, even when it hurts their pride.

To one day accept the fact that you too cannot help yourself where they are concerned and that come what may, there's no place else for you to go. 
So you give them your heart willingly, knowing also that your body is theirs too because in them you have found a home.

To carry another human in your spirit, wishing them even better than you wish yourself. To share in their happiest and lowest moments, while feeling gratitude for the privilege of their presence.

To look in each others eyes and say "I have got you darling today, tomorrow and for all of time".
To carry their secrets with you, never judging, neither demanding perfection. To know too that you needn't perform or put up an act with them because while you are imperfect, you are enough for them, and them for you.

To meet others who look, act, speak, dress, know and have better than them yet hearing only their voice in your head, their name tatted on your heart, their laughter ingrained in your soul.

To realize long before you walk down the aisle  to them, that you have forsaken all others and will stick with them come what may.
To know that what you share, the commitment, devotion, allegiance and loyalty is not just a promise made but a promise kept. 
This for me, is what it means to love another.

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