Monday, 30 March 2020

The Cost of A Touch: Lessons From The Coronavirus Pandemic

"May the angels protect you
Trouble neglect you
And heaven accept you when it's time to go home
May you always have plenty
The glass never empty
Know in your belly
You're never alone
May your tears come from laughing
You find friends worth having
With every year passing
They mean more than gold
May you win and stay humble
Smile more than grumble
And know when you stumble
You're never alone
Never alone
Never alone
I'll be in every beat of your heart
When you face the unknown
Wherever you fly
This isn't goodbye
My love will follow you, stay with you
Baby, you're never alone."
These are lines from Lady Antebellum's song 'Never Alone', and they make so much sense to me at a time like this. A time when humankind is puzzled and unsure where to turn for answers, a time when tears have flown so much that people do not know if they'd ever really laugh again, a time when a hug would really mean alot but we can't even hold hands. 

Who knew? 

Who would have thought that 'a touch', the gesture that says "I am here for you, you are never alone", would become the thing to avoid? Who would have thought that the things that take our time, work and the fast life would someday mean nothing and we'd desire only each other, to just breathe with each other? Who knew that in the face of pain and uncertainty we would have to fall back to love, stuck with family - literally?
I read statistics of people that are dying from the virus that has plagued the world and I imagine how their loved ones feel. Worse still is that these ones may never be able to grieve because they'd be too worried with thoughts of their own safety especially if they had physical contact with the deceased. Who knew how costly a touch could be?
"Who knew that money would someday fail?" This is what I asked myself as my neighbour who I'd asked to help me get something from the market came back to say it wasn't available anymore. She too couldn't get what she wanted.
Just days ago, my brother came to my house with bags filled with food items, so many. "In a few days people would not be able to buy food, so I thought to get these for you" were his words as I asked why he bought SO MUCH of everything. Today his words have come to pass and I'm mighty glad for the love of a brother who foresaw the future and looked out for 'US' because the 14-day lockdown has resulted in scarcity of food.
Today we have so much of the one thing we couldn't afford because of our fast life - time, and as I respond to the one question that has continually been asked by the people in my life "are you safe?", I accept that all we have is each other. Today as I sit in my home I wonder if it is all worth it. Stress, pride, hate, selfishness, (un)justified anger, envy, strife and many other unhealthy habits, are they worth it?
I am currently listening to Kristian Stanfill's 'In Christ Alone' and I rest, assured that I and the ones I love are safe in Christ alone. He is my peace, light, strength, song, corner stone, mind regulator, heart fixer, comforter and safe place, firm through the storm.
Today, I choose faith not fear because I am sure that when the storm passes, I'll be stronger, will value my loved ones even more and when it's all over, I'll rise with a song. You will too.


  1. I think this is a great piece... may we find peace in this troubled world.

    1. I say a big AMEN! to your prayers Bayo, and add that may our minds be intact so we can embrace peace when it comes. Thank you.

  2. Excellent and inspiring work of a thoughtful writer.

    1. Thank you so much for your compliment. I appreciate, stay safe!

  3. Wow... Such beautiful writing and much needed at this time.
    We'd definitely rise stronger. Thanks for sharing

    1. Amen, I hope this brings out the best of us and leaves us with more answers than questions. Thank you Doc.
