Sunday, 10 November 2019

Extraordinary Love, The Antidote For Pain

Pain isn't prejudiced.

It is a visitor that comes to every home, to everyone regardless of gender, race, creed and orientation.

If you live long enough you would realize this is true.
Pain visits all and oftentimes come unannounced, when you are ill-prepared.

Pain is what it is, painful. Its only antidote is love.

Love extraordinary. The kind that keeps one safe in an unstable world.
That holds you when a loved one walks away, that you cry but do not die.

A love like God's - RECKLESS!

The kind that steadies my gaze so that I see beyond the present to the future.

Gracious enough to show me his plans in glimpses, faithful enough to deliver the promises he's made.

Moving me from the phase where he met me so that I can boldly say "I have experienced the fragrance of his presence, been enveloped in the perfume of his grace - a whiff of which leaves me intoxicated." 
"Been rocked in his arms, firm yet tender - protecting fiercely, guarding jealously, keeping me safe."

When all hell breaks loose, his is the voice that reminds me that he will perfect the good work he has begun, speaking words that are hidden in a space that cannot be hacked - my heart.

He has crushed me and the grape I once was is becoming wine - fine wine.

His is an extraordinary love - choosing me in all my forms. So even when I am unsure because I can't see myself and the gifts I am blessed with, he sends friends, encouragers, with whom I can be vulnerable.

His sweet Holy Spirit stays as a Comforter and Counsellor, never judging, ever present.

You God - the hand that guides me through the phase of pain to a place of healing.
It is to you I breathe, on you I call, for you I live, on you I wait. 

Like an expectant mother, waiting 9 months to hold her baby. Like a man standing outside the labour room, waiting for the news that says he is now a father. Like a farmer who's done all he should and now trusts the ground and time for his harvest. Like a groom at the altar watching his bride as she walks down the aisle, resplendent in white.

You God, in whom I find my worth and identity. The ONE who never leaves the one behind - you would leave the 99 to chase the 1, ME.

You whose words make a hundred billion failures disappear.

Pain isn't prejudiced. Its only antidote is a love like yours - a love that crushed me and changed me.

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