Wednesday, 2 January 2019
What Have You Done About The Money To Be Made This Year?
I had a good time laughing today as I saw a colleague's computer screen saver. He had put up a picture of wads of Naira notes.
"This is to remind me of my only goal this year as I see it every day".
"So why Naira na, why not Pounds and Dollars?" I asked still laughing.
"No this is good. In millions and billions it will still be the same as Dollars", he replied and I laughed some more.
I liked that he put up his goal in a space where he'll always see it.
"So how much have you made this year, it's day 2 already o?", I asked.
He noted that he already had deals that would bring more money than I can imagine and I laughed some more. As we spoke I reiterated the fact that we do not have 365 days any more in 2019.
"In fact we have less that 364 days as it stands so make every second count." I said. He nodded, I could see that he was thinking deeply about what I had said.
As we continued our conversation I recalled a conversation I had with my brother yesterday about making the most of the seconds to give meaning to the minutes, hours, days, weeks, months and ultimately the year.
This is true.
We have less than 365 days now in 2019 and if we do not make the most of the seconds then the minutes would be lost and the minutes add up to the days, weeks, months and then the year.
What have you done so far this year? Still recovering from your enjoyment galore? Have you at least put up a picture of what you want?
If you are not sure what step to take, you could reach out to someone whose opinion you trust for advice. You can just pick a good book and keep reading until light dawns for you.
The year has begun, the time to start whatever you set out for is now. By this time tomorrow we will have less than 363 days left.
No pressures please but be deliberate in acting and just remember that it's best to do nothing than to be busy doing nothing.
Love and light to you!😉✌💞
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