Sunday, 30 December 2018
In 2019 Put Your Best Foot Forward
I have just bought a new pair of shoes. It was love at first for me when I laid eyes on them - clear leather, ankle length, peep toe gladiator sandals with furry zipper head in front - they are a beauty to behold!
As I strutted in front of the mirror wearing the shoes I smiled. I mentally paired them with my dresses in my head. I can't wait to rock them because when I do, I'll be putting my best foot forward.
As I studied the shoes later at home, I asked myself again "would I really be putting my best foot forward just by wearing these shoes?"
Don't I need to bring more to the table? Is my value in me or my shoes? How do I really put my best or at least a good foot forward? What do I really want? How do I get it? Whom do I need to relate with to get it? Where should I go to get it? Am I on the path to getting that which I want? How do I exercise my faith for all I want?
I'm no expert life coach neither do I have it altogether but I can say from experience that writing what you want to see is a good way to start.
This is being deliberate, acting on your faith.
Let me state that as simple as this sounds it is not easy but you must write what you want so it doesn't end as a mere wish. Then take steps - any step is better than nothing. Then press daily.
The thing about pressing from experience is that day after day it may seem like nothing is changing but you would look back after a while to realize that your consistency has attracted the people you need for your dream and you are well on your way.
So, what do you want in 2019? Same old people you hung out with in 2018? Same neighbourhood? Same results? Same struggles? Same excuses?
We should put our best foot forward in the New Year because our lives and future depend on it.
Be deliberate in your relationships, not everyone deserves a seat at your table. Don't be afraid to eat alone, just be sure you are cooking a damn good meal. Surround yourself with people who will spur you on and cheer you when you achieve little successes as well as hold your hand on the days when it feels like you are still at the same point you started at.
Keep writing all you want, no matter how little or big - my list is looooooong - and give thanks as you tick things off your list.
A New Year is upon us and blessings innumerable will fall on you but you must position yourself to receive them.
In 2019 put your best foot forward, not just in what you wear but in how you act, what you feed your mind and who you choose.
Put your best foot forward every single day because you will never know whose attention you will get or how far your feet will take you.
Are you ready? I think I am!
P.S: If you ever see me strutting in my beautiful shoes, don't forget to Holla!
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