Friday, 30 November 2018

Adult Conversations At Work - Bananas Are Good For You

"Okiemute bite that Banana let me see."

It was Dan daring me.

I kept a straight face as I continued my perusal of the Letter of Invitation my Boss had handed to me, I had a Banana in one hand.

"Okiemute can you hear me?"

I looked up as he said "stop pretending to be serious o, bite that Banana."

I smiled as I looked at the Banana he had dared me to bite. I had peeled it but was yet to eat it. I made to eat it but couldn't.

Who knew eating a Banana could be this difficult?

These people have succeeded in polluting my mind o.

"Bite the Banana babe" Dan continued his teasing, at this point my other colleagues stood watching me.

I wanted to bite again but couldn't so I made to break the Banana. Who breaks Bananas? Everyone burst into laughter. You want to break it? Is that what you will do with Banana? Break it?

"I honestly can't eat this Banana anymore"
I said as I finally bit into it. The laughter continued and I joined in. My colleagues can be crazy and once in a while we have conversations like this.

I had bought Bananas and as they took a piece each the conversation started.

It was Kunle that first accused Betsy of liking Banana too much.
"The way you are eating this Banana, it's obvious you looooove Bananas" he stressed 'Love'.
"I can't do without it o", she responded.

Alesha joined in, "Who doesn't like Bananas? In fact what's sweeter than Bananas?"

"Bananas give the needed nutrient and strength to face the day", Betsy retorted and everyone laughed.

She added again, "I can't imagine going a day without it.

I wanted to ask if we were still talking about 'Bananas' but I kept shut as Alesha spoke up again, "another reason why I love Bananas is that there's a type for everyone. Curvy, smooth, straight, fat, long, short, you can have it anyhow you want it."

"Okiemute you really took your time to select these ones o, so healthy, strong, fat and fresh, just perfect. You must really know how to pick Bananas."

I simply smiled as I continued to stare the Letter even though at that point I knew I was no longer reading.

"Why are you smiling na, I'm complimenting you. It's obvious you are experienced with Bananas." It was Betsy speaking.

At that point Kunle said "All of a sudden Okiemute is serious o, acting like she can't hear you."

That was when Dan asked me to "bite that Banana."

As I ate my Banana Betsy advised "Babe please keep eating Bananas o, they are good for you" she winked.

Then Alesha started on how Milkshakes go well with Bananas.

"Have you tried a Milkshake just after eating good Banana? Like you really take your time to let it go down your throat?"
As she asked laughter erupted and the conversation about Bananas, milkshakes and everything in between continued.

All I could think of as I listened to their analogies was these ones are crazy and have indeed gone Bananas.

The next time I eat Bananas I will do well to eat it in the privacy of my house - I dare not say this out though because 'eat' and 'privacy' will surely be dissected.

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