Tuesday, 4 September 2018
Today, I Hope You Remember
People forget.
This is what a former boss used to say. He would say this to me when a staff misbehaved or seemed to be taking their job for granted.
He would say 'People forget' and proceed to tell me how same people were desperate for an opportunity to work before they got employed. He would share their story to buttress the fact that they had forgotten how they desperately desired the job they now treat with disdain.
Over time, I have come to see the truth in his words, people really forget.
A man after a while may forget how he was once willing to walk through fire to get the attention of his lover and may begin to treat her shabbily.
A student who forgets the times he prayed and desired an admission into school soon begins to miss classes.
A woman who forgets the days she prayed for a family soon begins to whine about how she wants to get away from it all.
People forget but most times it isn't because they set out to. Sometimes it's because they get complacent or lose interest in what they once thought they couldn't do without and sometimes its because life's challenges can be really overwhelming.
Whatever the reason, it can be dangerous to forget because as they say you never realize the value of what you have until you turn one day and realize that it's gone.
So today I hope you remember.
I hope you remember the days you prayed for what you now have.
I hope you look at your children and see the blessings you once desired instead of responsibilities.
I hope you think of your job and remember that you are adding value or at least remind yourself what it feels like to be jobless.
I hope you remember to not take the people in your life for granted.
I hope you remember that you matter and there are people who would suffer if you are not here.
I hope you remember God and all that he has done for you.
And on the days when you feel dissatisfied and disgusted, pause and remember that it could have been worse.
When you find yourself forgetting, cautiously remember to appreciate what you have while waiting for what you desire.
It is easy to forget, it is easy to feel dissatisfaction, it is easy to feel entitled but it is also easy to let that feeling of disgust fuel you to do and be more.
So today stop, pause and remember to never forget.
Karoyovwe! Cheta!
Photo Credit: novimpact.com
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