Friday, 28 September 2018

The Love You Could Have Made: Take Your Chance

My mentor always says that at the end of our lives we do not regret the things at which we failed, we regret the things we wished for but never attempted.

You know coulda, woulda, shoulda but didn't?

Those are the things we will regret.
The days we will never get back, the memories we could have made, the places we could have seen, the life we could have had, the person you could have been.

I have spent barely three decades on earth and sometimes I feel like I have played it too safe with life. I feel like I could have taken more risks, done more and even become more.
Some people may argue otherwise, but they don't get to decide that.

The beautiful thing about living however is that we can learn from past mistakes and do what we didn't do.
Recently I committed to do that which I didn't let myself do - dare to take my chances.
I moved to a new city, took on an entirely new and challenging role in my career, opened up to forming great relationships, hope to try out new experiences, take up opportunities and just live.
I will make my mistakes, learn from them and hopefully write my story someday - a beautiful one it will be.

I have learned as my mentor says that the chances we didn't take and the love we didn't make, will someday be our biggest regrets.

I do not want that regret, neither should you.


  1. Okiemute this is beautiful and you are too. We miss 100% of every chance we don't take. I'll take my chances.

    1. Take your chances, all of them - you either win or learn. Thank you for the compliment.
