Friday, 28 September 2018

Do This Daily For Growth

What will you do today to be better? Are you making progress? Are you growing?

Take time to ponder on these questions and answer honestly.
If your answer is yes, great. If not, great. If you answered yes it is great because you are on the path of progress and if no it is also great because you have the opportunity to start on the path of progress.

As 2018 began, I wrote down the things I wanted - they became prayer requests.
As I prayed, I also thought of the ways to get what I wanted. I wrote out a list of things to do, habits to drop and people to let go of as well as a list of people to let in to get the things I wanted.

We are approaching the last quarter of 2018 and while I am yet to get all I wanted at the start of the year, I have ticked most off my list. I will tick all off by the time this year ends because I will be intentional in my actions and most importantly because I am a Woman of faith.

Through the journey I have learned that growth is not accidental. Growth does not just happen to you, it requires careful planning and action. Growth does not come by wishing or just thinking, it is intentional.

So if you will make progress you must find out how you can, what you should do and then take action. You may not get it all at once but you would be better as you get on your journey and that's what's most important - who you become on the journey of growth.

Today ask yourself and answer honestly, what have I done to become better at my job, school, career, business and in my relationship with friends, family and God?
If you feel like you have fallen short, do not be discouraged because you can start today. It could be reading one chapter of a book daily, writing more, rehearsing/training more, praying more to become more.
Like I read about Femi Kuti who holds rehearsals daily - that's a lot of work and the results speak volumes.

The truth is that the growth process may be slow or even not evident at first but if you keep getting better, it will soon become evident to all.
No great business, career, relationship, personality, marriage or life happens by accident, it requires effort and dedication.

There's a lot in store for you but you must be equipped to get it - it starts with personal development and commitment.

It starts with you.


  1. Today I will revisit my goals for the year. Life gets hard sometimes and one gets carried away but self development is a necessity. Thank you Okiemute. L

    1. Good decision and truly sometimes the business of living can be overwhelming. Thank you.
