Monday, 9 July 2018

What Shall You Do Today?

A few days ago I received a mail, that dampened my spirit - literally. It was the response to something I had applied for and I was told it would not be possible - now.

My spirit was dampened because I had really prepared for it, expected it and even prayed about it so when I got a response contrary to my expectations, I was sad.

After I read the mail, I called a friend, spoke to him about it, and he tried to encourage me but it's always easier said than done.

That's the thing about disappointment, you can never really be prepared for it no matter how experienced you are, whether you are young or old, black, white or hispanic, a student, professional or an amateur, disappointments are never easy to bear.

Another thing about disappointments though is that dwelling on them could set you up for failure as you may feel so frustrated that you lose the desire to try again.

So as I thought about the new plans I'd have to make after receiving the mail, I prayed and proceeded to ask myself 'what shall you do next?'

As I asked myself that, I recalled a song that you may have heard too, especially if you have been to Church in Nigeria.
The one that starts with a question by the praise leader, "what shall you do today" and elicits the chanted response from the congregation "today o, I'll lift up my voice in praise".

The thing I realized about this response is that it really means "today, I'll choose to focus on all that is going right in my life and give thanks for them". 

This requires effort.

It requires effort to take your eyes off the hurt you feel from not getting what you really want or probably sacrificed a lot for to focus on the blessings you have because sometimes the blessings seem insignificant compared to the loss.

But dwelling on loss is the easiest way to frustration and ultimately depression.

As I asked myself 'what shall you do today', I told myself that I will focus on the good in my life which is a lot.

So 'What shall you do today'.

Before you respond think of the fact that the worst hasn't happened yet - you are not dead and life is worth more than you could have paid for.

To be alive is to have the opportunity to try again.

So today focus on all the blessings you have and even when it all makes no sense, be thankful and do whatever it is that makes you happy because sometimes courage is the small voice that says at the end of the day "tomorrow I'll try again".

What shall you do today?

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