Sunday, 1 July 2018
Stop Dreaming, Start Clapping!
It is the first day of July and the beginning of the second half of the year.
It is that time when you are expected to review your goals and see how far you have come but what you really need to do isn't to review your goals, what you need to do is to clap for yourself for having made it thus far.
You may have ticked off half of the plans you had for this year or may not even have started with the first, still you must clap for yourself.
This is because life is more than a 'to-do list', it is a collection of our experiences whether good or bad and demands to be lived and until you begin to appreciate the success of even just getting through each day, you may not appreciate the success of climbing mountains.
Do not wait for others to appreciate you before you appreciate yourself.
Until you learn to start clapping for yourself no one else will.
It's like the Igbo proverb says "when the Agama lizard fell off a palm tree he nodded to himself and said if no one praises him, he would praise himself". He acknowledged his effort, encouraged himself in adversity and saw beyond the present.
This is easier said than done because everyone needs motivation but I have learned that sometimes the only motivation you will get is the one you give yourself.
Sometimes you have to pause, pat your own back and continue in your work.
Sometimes you will be your only fan but you must stay consistent.
Consistency is harder when no one is clapping for you especially when no one else think your performance is worth clapping for but you have to remind yourself why you started and let that spur you on to continue in your work.
So starting today drop your list of goals, stop the dream and just clap for yourself even if the sound isn't loud and your hands hurt, keep clapping.
Clap first and then begin again to dream and stay consistent with your work.
Remember the saying, it is okay to be both a Masterpiece and a work in progress simultaneously.
Be your biggest fan cos if you aren't, who will?
Welcome to July!
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