Friday, 6 July 2018
May You Not Believe Them
May you find reasons to smile every time you look in the mirror.
May you not believe the lies they tell you about your physique and abilities.
May you not believe them when they say your dreams are too big.
May the words they say to break you not make you lose faith in love and life.
May you remember that no one is perfect and that you are a work in progress, a seed that will blossom.
May you find beauty in your scars and may each one be a reminder of battles won.
May you have the wisdom to know that love not backed by action isn’t love.
May you not depend on romantic love to shore up your self image.
May you have the discernment to tell when all they want is your flesh and care nothing about your soul.
May you heal from the past hurts and open yourself to life’s goodness.
May you remember that you are stronger than pain and that a diamond with flaws is worth more than a pebble without imperfections.
May you remember that you are special but you need to first know how special you are before others will.
May you remember that people will err and so it's best to hold them to a standard of grace and not perfection.
May you find beauty in your self first and love yourself enough so you can receive the kind of love you deserve when it finally comes.
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