Sunday, 15 July 2018

Let Us Teach Our Children This Truth About Marriage

Days ago a colleague of mine shared his experience with a young girl who practically begged him to impregnate her.

She is only 17 and didn't mind that he is married. As we looked on in disbelief he noted that she said she would gladly be his second wife because men are scarce.

As he said this the question we all asked was "who sold that idea to her?"

You have probably seen the statistics given to prove that there are more men than women in the world. You might also have been told and may have told someone else this too.

But is it true?
A report by the World Atlas Society published last year reveals that there are more men than women in the world. See here I recall reading a Facebook post a guy shared once. He stated that proposing to a lady who is 34 years old or more isn't just a proposal but a rescue mission. As I read it, I imagined what he would teach his sons and daughters about marriage.

So many people loved his post and shared their comments in support of his opinion which goes to show it is the belief most people hold.

Women are raised to pursue marriage as their ultimate goal and are even encouraged to grab and manage any man that comes because men are a scarce commodity and a woman is like a flower that withers with time.

The result of this is that we raise a generation of women who feel incomplete and unfulfilled until they are Mrs Somebody.

We raise girls who suppress their desires, never find their voices and readily give up their dreams just to become somebody's wife.

Let me state here that I am not saying people shouldn't desire marriage, it just shouldn't be the ultimate goal of living.

We should stop making girls think they are not complete until they are somebody's wife.

We should stop telling girls that men are scarce.

We should stop raising girls who do not think about having a life before becoming a wife.

We should teach them that marriage is beautiful but it doesn't guarantee happiness neither is it the panacea for life's challenges.

We should teach them to fully understand and love themselves before they seek to love and understand someone else.

We should teach them that life is a journey and getting married is just an event in that journey.

We should teach our girls that it is okay to let go of men that are not good for them and whose values do not match theirs.

We should teach them that the biggest power they wield is the power to choose and that includes choosing who comes in or stays in their lives permanently.

Let us teach our girls and boys that our ultimate purpose in life isn't to get married and that no matter your age or status you do not rescue a person when you commit to love them and share your life with them.

Let us teach our children this truth about marriage.

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