Saturday, 21 July 2018
1,000 Reasons To Fail
'How's the wedding plan coming?' I asked.
"Very well o, I am taking my time and really do not feel much pressure. I look forward to the day." He responded.
'It's a good thing you started early. It takes off the pressure makes it all easy.' I noted and proceeded to ask as he nodded 'Have you picked your best man?'
I almost wanted to tell him I wouldn't mind being the best man - for friendship sake - but I didn't.
Instead I suggested guys I thought would fit the bill. We deliberated on that for a while before he stated that most of the young guys he had spoken to only had discouraging things to say.
"I have realized though that for every action you chose to take whether good or bad, there will be people who will give you 1,000 reasons why you shouldn't go ahead." He said.
'Very true', I responded nodding.
We had gone to get groceries and were headed home when the conversation started.
We were talking about his wedding which would hold in a few months and how far plans have gone when he reeled out the reasons some people have given on why he may be making a mistake with his decision to get married - now.
Some think he is still young and should 'enjoy' his life instead of letting a woman 'trap' him. Some others think he should still work a little more and save a little more, some say he should complete his building project and own a house before venturing into marriage amongst other reasons he mentioned.
What none of them bothered to ask is what he wants at this point in his life and how to make the most of the opportunity he has to start a family.
As we spoke we noted that it's the same with life.
For everything you intend to do there will be naysayers whose specialty is giving you all the reasons why you may fail.
They usually claim to have walked the walk or at least know someone who tried and failed. They project their fears and insecurities onto you and if you are not careful or fully convinced about the reasons for your action, you may become discouraged.
But guess what happened to the man and woman that didn't take action because they didn't want to fail? Everyday they wonder what would have happened if they had just gone ahead and ignored the naysayers.
This isn't to say that you shouldn't heed advice especially from people whose judgment you trust, it's that sometimes you just have to trust your intuition and take charge of your life.
Take a step even when you do not see the whole stairway. If you succeed you will be encouraged to take on more but if you fall, you may learn a lesson or two on how to do better.
So if you have prayed about it and trust that God will take care of you no matter what, then forget about the 1,000 reasons why it may fail and look for the 1 reason why it may work.
Be like my friend who is going ahead to marry his Sweetheart in spite of the negative ninnies and their opinions and remember that the future belongs to those who take action today.
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