Saturday, 16 June 2018

You And I? We Are At Risk

It's a beautiful Saturday morning.

It is raining heavily, I am tucked in bed - oh wait, let me snuggle a little more, yes done - and I'm thinking how perfect it is, for me.

A voice in my head is reminding me though that it may not be so perfect for someone else right now.

Someone who has an event to attend, a ceremony to host, an early morning flight to catch or any other plan that would require being in the outdoors is probably having a fit and would begrudge me if they here me say it's perfect.

So I think to myself, if they knew it would rain so heavily this morning would they have risked making plans?

Life is indeed a risk and much of what we do as humans is a matter of faith.

We make plans without guarantees that they will succeed yet we go on in faith.

When you dress up in the morning in pursuit of your daily bread - whether work, business, school it's all a hustle for survival - there are no guarantees that the day will go as planned still you go on, in faith.

You take up a job and promise to give it your best to turn the company's fortune around because you have a great plan, hope for a cooperative team and what more? Thomas Edison wouldn't have tried 1000 times to event the light bulb if he had you on his team - but there are no guarantees with that either.

We get married and commit to another for the rest of our lives, trusting that they would always be there but there are no guarantees with that either. They could change anytime and become total strangers - isn't that why people pledge for better or worse? Yet we go ahead, in faith.

When you drop your child off at school and kiss them goodbye there are no guarantees that they would be really safe, yet we go on and leave them behind in faith. You see then why I say life is a matter of faith?

We set goals in hopes that we will get expected results and even when we have no evidence of the expected results, we still take our chances.

Whether you choose to become a Soldier risking it all on the battlefield or a homemaker caring for your family in the comfort of your home, it is still a risk.

All life is a risk, from the day you are born till the day you die you are at risk. You and I are at risk.

But the biggest risk of all is not taking action because you fear what the consequences might be. 

Choosing to play safe because you are not sure you will succeed is wasting this opportunity called life. 

Not going after or asking for what you want is a risk.
You risk waking up someday and looking back with regrets at the chances you didn't take cos you may end up thinking of what might have been - coulda, woulda, shoulda, but you did nothing.

So as I have said, all life is a risk and it's up to you to choose what's worth risking it for and - oh wait, I had planned to have Akara with custard for breakfast and I'll need to go out to get the Akara but it's still raining.

Isn't it supposed to be a perfect morning?

Can the rain stop already?

Hmmm, lemme see what risk I have to take...brace the rain, make another plan or skip breakfast (forget I said that)...err...I'll be back...

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