Thursday, 21 June 2018

Using Your Greatest Weapon

Life is spiritual.

You have probably heard that before and whether you believe it or not, it is true.

There is the natural which we relate to with our senses and there is the supernatural which controls the natural.

I have listened to quite a number of speakers teach on the power of thoughts and taking action for the change we seek but only a few emphasize the power of prayer which to me is the greatest power we can wield.

This is not just because I am Christian but because I am human being that has been in situations I could never have thought or worked myself out of, only a Supreme could have helped and when I prayed, I got help.

The thing I have learnt about prayer is that everyone prays.
When you present a case before a Judge in court, it's called a Prayer.
When you delegate a responsibility to someone or even request a favor, you are praying to them.
Even when you make a wish, you are praying although not to God it is prayer being said and hope being expressed that what you desire would come to pass.

Prayer is the hope we have that life as it is can be better and when that hope is in a God who is almighty, you can be sure of a change.

The thing I have learned about praying to God and why it touches his heart - when said in faith, is that it is an acknowledgement of our human frailty, mortality and fallibility.

When we pray, we cast down our crowns, lay our trophies, rid ourselves of our intellectual mentality, swallow our pride and challenge everything we hold as true to go before a God we cannot see but believe exists to ask for help.

In prayer our humanity connects with divinity to bring about a different reality.

Talking about the power of trust in God, do you know the motto of the most powerful nation in the world, America?

'In God We Trust' - that is it.

The men who not only discovered but fought for the land we call 'the land of the free', the founding fathers who worked for the vision that is the reality we see today understood the importance of 'Trust In God'.

That phrase signifies the belief that built America and whether the societal reality today is an aberration of that phrase, is a different matter altogether.

Prayer is powerful, so powerful that a statement attributed to Queen Mary of Scots says "I fear the prayer of John Knox more than the armies of England" - can you beat that?

Oftentimes we talk about what we want to see which is great and beyond talking we make plans and set goals to ensure that what we want becomes reality which is also great but human ability is limited.

This is why prayer is important because with it, you hand your thoughts and plans to a God that cares and is powerful enough to grant your heart's desires.

So as you dream about the life you want and set goals to achieve it, remember to use the greatest weapon available to you, the power of prayer. It works!

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