Sunday, 3 June 2018

Stop Being Cheap!

I still remember when a dear friend got married and her husband was to return after their honeymoon to his base - he worked outside the country and plans for her to join him had not been concluded - she cried so much at the airport that he too shed tears but he had to go.
When we spoke later that day, her voice still sounded tearful but I consoled her and then teased her, telling her to be strong even though in my heart I knew if I were the one I would probably have begged to be put in his luggage and smuggled into wherever he is going.

It's the thing about goodbyes, they are never easy to say even though at different points in life, it must be said to either people, places or things little wonder Celine Dion sang 'Goodbye's the saddest word I ever heard'.

Whether it's the loss of a loved one, the end of a relationship, moving to a new place or job or even just having your partner leave for a few days, goodbyes are never easy.

They are however a part of life and are oftentimes necessary for growth and progress.

One thing I have learned about GOODBYEs though is that they are not just for people, places or things but also for habits, mentalities and ways of thinking.

I recall a conversation with a boss I worked with and while we were discussing a particular project and the way it was being handled, he noted that the supervisor in charge of the project wouldn't get the result needed because he was going for 'low hanging' fruits and unwilling to put in work to get quality results.

Long after that conversation and till this day those words still ring in my head, "he is being cheap and going for the low hanging fruits".

I often ask myself sometimes if I too am going for low hanging fruits because sometimes life can test you so much that you are tempted to lower your standards, go with popular opinion and forget your goals without even realizing it.

This is why you need to constantly evaluate and reevaluate yourself, work, relationships, habits and priorities to be sure you are on track and not going for low hanging fruits.

One great way to achieve this is by imbibing the spirit of excellence, resolving to give your best at all times regardless of the circumstances and not pander to emotions and sensibilities.

It is saying to yourself that 'if my name is on it then it can't be mediocre'.

It starts with resolving to do your work with the best of your capabilities, committing to handle your business in the best way possible by using the best products and delivering the best service possible, going the extra mile and generally refusing to settle for or give less than the best.

This wouldn't be an easy thing to do and may be even more difficult to sustain but a great place to start is deciding to stop being cheap.

Stop being cheap and this is not about the price of what you have on or the money spent in acquiring property.

Stop choosing easy over right. Stop lowering your standards with people.
Stop entertaining relationships that no longer serve you.
Stop hanging around people who disrespect you. Stop begging to be valued.
Stop being the boss who wouldn't put in work to ensure his team delivers quality result.
Stop being the vendor that never delivers as promised and falls short of expectations.
Stop being the politician that promises to build bridges even where there are no rivers.
Stop selling your votes.
Stop committing yourself to too many things or people so you don't fail in/with all.
Stop the habits that cause people to lose trust in you.

Do and give your best at your level.

Say goodbye to mediocrity and start seeking only the best so that when you begin to attract the best you will see that sometimes there is really GOOD in GOODBYE.

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