Saturday, 14 April 2018

That Awkward Moment...To Ask or Not To Ask

'Oh it's a movie I have seen', that was my reaction when I realized the movie I timed to see was actually one I had seen.

'That Awkward Moment', that's the title of the movie and if you are thinking what kind of movie title is this? You are not alone as I thought so too when a colleague first recommended the movie - I had joked about how it sounded like some Nollywood movies with cheesy titles such as 'Where is the love', 'Adanma, the village girl' or 'the return of Igbagaza' where Igbagaza would turn out to be a pot that was lost in some evil forest that comes back to haunt the villagers until a brave young man often an orphan saves the village by destroying the pot and gets the King's only daughter as his wife and the prize for saving the village.

'That Awkward Moment' which stars Zac Efron and Michael Jordan tells the story of three friends who were set on dating casually until they found themselves at the point in a relationship where they had to answer the question...'Where is this going'?

You have probably seen those meme where a girl asks a guy 'so what are we' and the guy responds with 'we are a chosen generation' or 'we are nothing but pencils in the hand of the creator', remember that slogan on works by Wale Adenuga Productions?

Now to the issue of asking about the status of a relationship, it doesn't matter how the question is asked or who asks it, one thing it connotes is a relationship between two people that has not been defined aka one person is being stringed along and he/she has decided to take the proverbial bull by the horn.

It reminds me of conversations my colleagues have had about defining relationships. Some say that defining relationships from the beginning puts the people involved under pressure to 'perform' or 'live up to expectations', as such it'd be best to let things flow until there is need to either keep flowing or just let go.

The opposing argument has always been that if a person values the time and energy that would be spent in a relationship, then it's best defined from the start so they don't get to 'that awkward moment'.
I have listened often with keen interest to the arguments and I think whatever side a person chooses and however you play one thing is certain, there will be 'that awkward moment' where you have to answer the question 'where is this relationship going'?

What do think?

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