Saturday, 14 April 2018

In The Business of Living

I haven't posted for months and it has not been an intentional act.
I tried to write severally but I couldn't put the thoughts in my head to words.
I would start writing my thoughts and after a while the words just stopped flowing, I guess it's what they call 'writer's block'.
This happened for days which rolled into weeks and then months and now here I am.
Through this time though alot has happened for me and I look forward to sharing it all with you.
I now host two TV shows, a breakfast show which airs on weekdays and a food show that explores different food varieties and their method of preparation.
The intriguing part is that all of these are presented in Pidgin English. I started a career in broadcasting years ago on radio, presenting in the English language and never envisaged myself broadcasting in Pidgin but now you should watch me tear my Pidgin English...correct Warri babe.
Now that I'm back - not like i travelled - I hope to share some of the stories I have heard from guests on the morning show, some of the recipes from the food show, as well as my thoughts on simple issues and I hope that you would share with me too.
So after a long hiatus, I am here again and I plan to be here still in the business of living.

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