Sunday, 12 February 2017

Note To Myself - Just Do It

After fiddling with the keyboard of my computer for minutes, I finally decided to write this down not because I don’t have thoughts to share but because I just can’t seem to be able put my thoughts to words.

So here I am writing about the fact that I am fiddling with my keyboard……………………

I have to admit that as much I would love to write more often I am unable to because of so many activities and thoughts that compete for my time – work, work, work and more work.

I mean I would get this great idea and do a one liner/sentence with a decision to write a full article later but at those times I imagine the voice in my head sneering and saying ‘yimu, na today’? ‘How many untouched and incomplete articles do you have?’

And in all honesty I wonder why I can’t write as often as I want or ought to.

Maybe I am not as passionate about this as I thought, I mean passion should trump everything else. Or maybe it’s the discipline that I lack – I think that’s it…discipline.

Why else would I decide to do something and not do it?

Wait, there’s a word for it in the dictionary – it’s called ‘procrastination’. Yes that is it, procrastination that great thief of time has made me not write as often as I would love to.

But who is to blame seeing as procrastination is not a person. Who do I blame for not doing what I ought to do? Work? But I don’t work 24 hours in a day. So? It could be laziness or maybe the challenges of living in this great country Nigeria saps me of inspiration. Sigh! That’s a story for another day.

I could go on and on about why I don’t write as often as I should but that wouldn’t help – I mean who excuse epp?

So I will just try to find passion anyhow, discipline myself – say something like no dinner for me till I write when I should, as if I wouldn’t eat when hunger pangs start – and just write no matter what.
Even if it’s about my neighbour’s dogs that wouldn’t let me sleep sometimes or the undergraduates I sometimes conduct Internship tests for that spell ‘Governor’ as ‘Govonor’ and write ‘Nigeria’ as ‘Naija’ on their test scripts, or even about the fact that the price of goods seem to increase by 200% each time I go to the market that I don’t even bother writing down prices on my shopping list anymore or maybe about the ‘when you go marry’ question that I am greeted with often or even about the fact that I can’t seem to find the inspiration to write when I should.

 I will just write…at all at all naim bad pass as my Warri people would say.

Wow! I have succeeded in writing about not being able to write – there’s hope then.

So going forward I would no longer procrastinate expecting my future self to be more disciplined than my present self.

I will just do it, so expect even the unexpected from me, all na writing, abi no be so?


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