Sunday, 1 January 2017

The Gift of A Second Chance

One of the most important lessons I have learned in life is that everyone deserves a second chance no matter what they have done. 
Before you say 'Okiemute e be like say person never do you strong thing before", remember also the time you showed others pepper and hurt them. We give people second chances because we too will at various times in our lives need second, third, fourth, fifth...chances. You see now?
Another lesson I have learned is that when we get a second chance in life we ought to accept it and not hold on to our mistakes. Let go of your mistakes and strive to do better.
One remarkable example of this is the story of the Adulterous woman in the Bible. She committed adultery and the penalty according to the law was death by stoning - I wonder why no one said anything about the man she cheated with. 
She was to be killed but Jesus Christ gave her back her life by simply making her accusers empathize with her. 
When the people asked Jesus his opinion on her sin as Moses law commanded that such a person be stoned to death, he responded saying
"He that is without sin among you, let him first cast a stone at her".
He had asked them to put themselves in her shoes and decide if they would love to be condemned like that. Thank God it was a crowd of honest albeit hypocritical people. 
They dropped their stones and walked  away, and when the woman affirmed to Jesus that no one condemned her, he simply told her to "go and sin no more". 
She got a second chance at life and I hope she took it. I hope she forgave herself, asked her husband's forgiveness and lived more honourably.
Second chances are gifts that should be cherished and when God gives us a second chance in life, health, relationships, finances, it's our duty to accept his gift and make him glad.
These second chances come to us with each new day so do not let your mistakes hold you back from living well. 
It's a new year and a chance to get it right again - savour it, enjoy it and bless others with it. 
Happy New Year!

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